Beam Lines

By Number

StationType  TechniquesEnergy RangeStaff ContactsBeam Line Phone
BL1-5X-rayMaterials small-angle x-ray scattering
Materials wide-angle x-ray scattering
8000-16000 eVChristopher Takacs(650) 926-5214
BL2-1X-rayPowder diffraction
Thin film diffraction
X-ray reflectivity
5500-17500 eVCharles (JR) Troxel Jr
Kevin Stone
(650) 926-5221
BL2-2X-ray(Beam line currently closed)
X-ray absorption spectroscopy
White beam techniques
4500-35000 eVMatthew Latimer
Erik Nelson
Leah Kelly
Ryan Davis
(650) 926-5222
BL2-3X-rayX-ray absorption spectroscopy imaging
Microscale fluorescence tomography
4900-23000 eVSam Webb
Sharon Bone
(650) 926-5223
BL4-1X-rayX-ray absorption spectroscopy5400-35000 eVRyan Davis
Matthew Latimer
Erik Nelson
Leah Kelly
(650) 926-5241
BL4-2X-rayBiological small-angle x-ray scattering
Biological time-resolved small-angle x-ray scattering
Biological low-angle diffraction (fiber, lipids)
6000-17000 eVThomas Weiss
Tsutomu Matsui
Ivan Rajkovic
Ping Liu
(650) 926-5242
BL4-3X-rayX-ray absorption spectroscopy2400-10500 eVErik Nelson
Leah Kelly
Matthew Latimer
Ryan Davis
(650) 926-5243
BL5-2VUVAngle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
Micro angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
20-200 eVDonghui Lu
Makoto Hashimoto
Cheng-Tai Kuo
(650) 926-5252
BL5-4VUVAngle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
High resolution angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
7-40 eVDonghui Lu
Makoto Hashimoto
Cheng-Tai Kuo
(650) 926-5254
BL6-2aX-rayTender x-ray emission spectroscopy, RIXS4000-18200 eVDoug Van Campen
Dimosthenis Sokaras
Thomas Kroll
(650) 926-5262
BL6-2bX-rayX-ray absorption spectroscopy imaging
HERFD imaging and spectroscopy
Microscale computed tomography
4000-18200 eVDoug Van Campen
Sam Webb
Johanna Nelson Weker 
(650) 926-5262
BL6-2cX-rayTransmission x-ray microscopy
Transmission x-ray tomography
X-ray absorption spectroscopy
5000-13000 eVDoug Van Campen
Molleigh Preefer
Johanna Nelson Weker
(650) 926-5262
BL7-2X-rayX-ray absorption spectroscopy imaging
Large format x-ray imaging and spectroscopy
5000-16200 eVSam Webb
Sharon Bone
(650) 926-5272
BL7-3X-rayX-ray absorption spectroscopy5400-35000 eVLeah Kelly
Matthew Latimer
Erik Nelson
Ryan Davis
Ritimukta Sarangi
(650) 926-5273
BL8-2VUVX-ray photoemission spectroscopy
X-ray absorption spectroscopy
100-1300 eVJun-Sik Lee
Dennis Nordlund
(650) 926-5282
BL9-2MCMacromolecular crystallography
Multi wavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD/SAD)
Single crystal UV-Vis absorbance spectroscopy
6000-14000 eVAina Cohen
Michael Soltis
Silvia Russi
(650) 926-5292
BL9-3X-rayX-ray absorption spectroscopy5400-30000 eV
5400-13000 eV  (focused)
Matthew Latimer
Leah Kelly
Erik Nelson
Ryan Davis
Ritimukta Sarangi
(650) 926-5293
BL10-1VUV(Beam line closed; end station in transition) Donghui Lu 
BL10-2aX-ray(Beam line currently closed for upgrade)
Powder diffraction
Thin film diffraction
Grazing incidence pair distribution function
4500-45000 eVKevin Stone
Olga Kraynis
(650) 926-5102
BL10-2bX-ray(Beam line currently closed for upgrade)
X-ray absorption spectroscopy
5000-22000 eVSimon Bare
Adam Hoffman
(650) 926-5102
BL11-2X-rayX-ray absorption spectroscopy
Grazing incidence x-ray absorption spectroscopy
5400-35000 eV
5400-20000 eV  (focused)
Ryan Davis
Matthew Latimer
Erik Nelson
Leah Kelly
(650) 926-8650
BL11-3X-rayWide angle x-ray scattering
Thin film diffraction
12700 eVBart Johnson
Vivek Thampy
Kevin Stone
(650) 926-8656
BL12-1MCMacromolecular crystallography
Multi wavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD/SAD)
Serial crystallography (fixed-target; liquid/crystal injectors
6200–18000 eVAina Cohen
Michael Soltis
Silvia Russi
(650) 926-2012
BL12-2MCMacromolecular crystallography
Multi wavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD/SAD)
Serial crystallography (fixed-target; liquid/crystal injectors
6690-17000 eVAina Cohen
Michael Soltis
Silvia Russi
(650) 926-5212
BL13-2VUV(Beam line in transition)
X-ray absorption spectroscopy
X-ray emission spectroscopy (using TES)
Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (using TES)
180-1450 eVHirohito Ogasawara
Sang-Jun Lee
Dennis Nordlund
(650) 926-5132
BL13-3VUVResonant soft x-ray scattering
X-ray absorption spectroscopy
X-ray magnetic circular dichroism
230-1800 eVJun-Sik Lee
Cheng-Tai Kuo
Sang-Jun Lee
(650) 926-5133
BL14-1MCMacromolecular crystallography
Multi wavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD/SAD)
6000-13000 eVAina Cohen
Michael Soltis
Silvia Russi
(650) 926-5141
BL14-3aX-rayX-ray absorption spectroscopy2100-5000 eV (focused)Erik Nelson
Matthew Latimer
Leah Kelly
Ryan Davis
(650) 926-5143
BL14-3bX-rayX-ray absorption spectroscopy imaging2100-5000 eVSam Webb
Sharon Bone
(650) 926-5143
BL15-2X-rayHigh energy resolution fluorescence detected (HERFD) XAS
X-ray absorption spectroscopy
X-ray emission spectroscopy
Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS)
X-ray Raman spectroscopy
Laser pump/x-ray probe time-resolved spectroscopy
4800-24000 eVDean Skoien
Marco Reinhard
Thomas Kroll
Dimosthenis Sokaras
(650) 926-5115
BL16-2X-rayX-ray metrology50–2300 eVWayne Stolte
Catherine Conlon
(650) 926-5162
BL17-2X-rayTotal x-ray scattering
X-ray diffraction
Thin film diffraction
Small angle x-ray scattering (in development)
6000–18000 eVRoss Arthur
Kevin Stone
Vivek Thampy
(650) 926-5172
X-ray Spectroscopy
Biological x-ray absorption spectroscopy4-3, 7-3, 9-3, 14-3a15-2
Materials / catalysis / chemistry x-ray absorption spectroscopy2-2, 4-1, 4-3, 9-311-2, 14-3a15-2
Biogeochemical / environmental x-ray absorption spectroscopy2-2, 4-1, 4-3, 7-3, 11-2, 14-3a15-2
X-ray absorption spectroscopy imaging2-3, 6-2b, 7-2, 14-3b
Grazing incidence x-ray absorption spectroscopy11-2
Tender x-ray absorption spectroscopy4-3, 14-3a
Hard x-ray emission and x-ray Raman spectroscopy, RIXS, HERFD15-2
Laser pump/x-ray probe time-resolved spectroscopy15-2
Tender x-ray emission spectroscopy, RIXS6-2a
X-ray photoemission spectroscopy8-2
X-ray absorption spectroscopy, near edge, soft x-ray energy8-2, 13-2, 13-3
Soft x-ray emission spectroscopy (TES)13-2 (in transition)
Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (TES)13-2 (in transition)
X-ray magnetic circular dichroism13-3
Ultra-high energy resolution photoemission spectroscopy5-2, 5-4
Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy5-2, 5-4
Imaging / Microscopy / Microprobe
X-ray absorption spectroscopy imaging2-3, 6-2b, 7-2
Microscale fluorescence tomography2-3
Tender x-ray absorption spectroscopy imaging14-3b
Transmission x-ray microscopy6-2c
Transmission x-ray tomography6-2c
Microscale computed tomography2-2
Macromolecular Crystallography
Microfocus12-1, 12-2
Serial crystallography (fixed target; liquid/crystal injectors)12-1, 12-2
Multi wavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD/SAD)9-2, 12-1, 12-2, 14-1
Scattering / Diffraction
Materials small angle x-ray scattering1-5
Biological small angle x-ray scattering4-2
Biological time-resolved small angle x-ray scattering4-2
Biological low angle diffraction (lipids, fiber, etc.)4-2
Powder diffraction2-1
Thin film diffraction2-110-2a, 11-3, 17-2
X-ray scattering1-510-2a, 11-3, 17-2
X-ray diffraction2-110-2a, 17-2
Resonant soft x-ray scattering13-3
Other Techniques
White light station2-2
X-ray metrology16-2

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