

Beamline 1-5 is a materials science beamline that has been used for a host of science areas, for example polymer morphology during deconstruction, nanoparticle synthesis, catalyst support materials, and hydrated skin samples. Beamline 1-5 is a bend magnet end station focused on small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements, but with the possibility of also doing wide-angle x-ray scattering (WAXS). It can also be configured for simultaneous SAXS/WAXS. BL1-5 is equipped with two area detectors: Dectris Pilatus 1M (SAXS) and Dectris Pilatus 100K (WAXS). The beamline is available in two standard configurations: 1- and 3-meter sample-to-SAXS detector distances. The WAXS detector is typically capable of reaching a minimum q value of 1.2 Å-1 for either of the configurations. 

The beam line accommodates x-ray energies in the range of 8-17 keV. There are several sample environments available.

The current user base consists of both internal and external users and can be grouped into the following scientific research areas: 

  • Batteries
  • Polymer upcycling
  • Microelectronics/flexible electronics
  • Separations
  • Gas capture and storage
  • Critical materials 



Beamline Parameters

Configuration Example energy Typical q-range (Å-1Beam size @ sample (V x H)) Beam size @ sample (V x H) Flux
1-m transmission 15 keV 0.15 – 0.8 110 μm x 180 μm 3.5x109 – 1 x 1010
3-m transmission 15 keV SAXS: 0.007 – 0.25 WAXS: 1.5 – 4.7 500 μm x 500 μm 3.5x109 – 1 x 1010
3-m grazing 15 keV .007 – 0.25 200 μm x 300 μm Projection at theta 0.12˚is ~48 mm 3.5x109 – 1 x 1010


M0 Mirror Monochromator
Toroidal mirror coated with Cr/Pt/Rh, layer thickness 10/60/6 nm respectively, with Rh as top layer Double-crystal, non-fixed exit slit


Bend Magnet


Detectors Dectris Pilatus 1M PAD, Dectris Pilatus 100K PAD
Computers Operation PC, Analysis PC, Camera PC, Instrumentation PC, Beam Diagnostics PCol

Sample Environment

Standard Transmission Multi-sample capillary holder (variably capillary size, standard of 1.5 – 2.0mm diameter)
Multi-sample washer holder (can accommodate films or sandwiched powders)
Standard Grazing Grazing incidence thin film holder (no heating)
ample Heating Four-capillary heater (max temp of 200C)
Washer heater (max temp of 200C)
Custom Custom user setups can be accommodated (nitrogen/argon available)
