

    6-pole, 2-Tesla Wiggler, 2 mrad Acceptance Side Station

    Beam line 9-3 is a wiggler side-station dedicated to biological x-ray absorption spectroscopy and EXAFS measurements of dilute solutions and single crystals. BL9-3 is equipped with a 100-element Ge monolithic solid-state detector in addition to ionization chambers and PIPS/Lytle detectors. A dedicated LHe cryostat allows for routine low temperature measurements on solutions. A Huber-Kappa goniometer, a LHe cryostream, a focusing polycapillary and a MAR CCD detector are available (in addition to specialized software) for single crystal measurements. The higher flux, tighter focus and excellent beam stability on BL9-3 is ideal for very dilute samples and single crystals of appropriate dimensions.

    Sample Environment

    Minimum Sample Requirement 500 μM, 100 μl solutions; 10 ppm, 10 mg solids; > 5 single crystals of appropriate dimensions
    Sample size 5 x 20 mm >gt 100 μm (all dimensions, for single crystal)
    Sample temperature 10-200 K (solution), 20-50 K (single crystal) or Room Temperature
    Other Ambient pressure experiments


    Detectors Ionization chambers, PIPS, Lytle, Canberra 100-element Ge monolith solid-state, MAR IP or CCD for single crystal XAS
    Cryostat Oxford LHe cryostat (4-200 K), LHe cryostream for single crystal XAS (>10 K)
    Other Shutter and variable filters to alleviate beam damage, Soller slits and scatter-guard, Huber Kappa Goniometer for single crystal XAS, multiple-sample holder for room temperature samples. Automatic scan queueing available for multiple room temperature samples and/or multiple spots on cold samples.

    Technical Specifications


    Energy Range Resolution ΔE/E Spot Size Flux
    Focused 5000-30000 eV 1 x 10-4 1 x 4 mm2 ~2 x 1012


    M0 Mirror M1 Mirror Monochromator
    Vertically collimating, flat, bent, 1 m, Si, Rh-coated Cylindrical, bent, 1.2 m, Zerodur, Rh-coated LN2 cooled, Si(220), ϕ = 0o & 90o. double-crystal, non-fixed exit slit
    Monochromator Crystal Glitch Library


    768 microns Be, 205 microns C



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