

    Beam line 14-3a, located on the upstream table of the hutch of the BL14-3 bending magnet side station, is dedicated to bulk x-ray absorption spectroscopy of biological, materials, and geological samples in the tender x-ray photon energy range 2.1-5.0 keV. BL14-3 is the only beam line at SSRL capable of obtaining spectroscopy data at the phosphorous K edge (2.15 keV). In this configuration the beam is partially unfocused over a size of 1 mm x 6 mm to allow for high energy-resolution measurements on homogenous samples. BL14-3 is equipped with ionization chambers, as well as a 7-channel Vortex silicon drift detector and PIPS detector for fluorescence XAS. Samples are placed inside a helium environment. A motorized sample holder stage allows sequential automated (via queueing) measurement on multiple samples without sample changeover delays.



    Beamline Parameters

    Energy Range Resolution ΔE/E Spot Size Flux
    Unfocused 2100-5000 eV ~1 x 10-4 1 x 6 mm2 2 x 1010 ph/sec


    M0 Mirror M1 Mirror Monochromator
    Flat, bent, vertically collimating, 1 m, Si, Ni-coated Bent, toroidal, 1.2 m, Ni-coated Si(111), ϕ = 0o & 90o. double-crystal, variable-exit geometry


    Bend Magnet


    Detector Hitachi Vortex 7-element Silicon solid state detector with ASIC preamplifiers Quantum Detectors Xspress3 X processing electronics Passivated implanted planar silicon (PIPS) semiconductor detector Ionization chambers
    Ancillary Biologic Potentiostat available upon request

    Sample Environment

    Standard 4-8 slot motorized sample stage with 3 x 20 x 1 mm single sample size Helium gas-filled sample box with continuous He flow He flight path to sample membrane for liquid electrolytic measurements Alpha Omega Instruments oxygen sensor on sample box exhaust line Ambient pressure samples Sample heater from 25 C to 100 C
    Non-Standard For radioactive samples (RAM), refer to: Radioactive sample contact person: Matt Padilla :




    Science Highlights