

    BL17-2 is a high-brightness, in-vacuum undulator (IVU) hard x-ray beamline (~ 5-18keV) optimized for materials scattering applications.

    The beamline includes a nitrogen-cooled double crystal monochromator with multilayer capability for enhanced flux. Currently it offers Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering (WAXS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) capabilities with a 6-circle diffractometer and cryocooler as well as a back table for custom setups including motorized stages for spatial mapping, secondary KB optics for micro-focused beam, and operando/in situ setups. Equipped with multiple configurable area detectors (Pilatus 100K/300K, Eiger 1M, Eiger 2 500k, Eiger 4M) and a Vortex Si drift detector for X-ray fluorescence, it facilitates real-time studies of materials processing, interfaces, and reactions. BL17-2 is optimized for investigating materials used in sustainable energy applications, enabling the characterization of buried interfaces and nanomaterials under operational conditions. The beamline supports time-domain research and studies requiring high flux, benefiting from the multilayer capability integrated into the monochromator. In the future, it will include the capability to perform simultaneous Small-Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS)/WAXS and optical pump x-ray probe measurements using a planned Tangerine laser system.

    This instrument supports a broad array of topics in material science, chemistry, physics, and environmental science. Notable applications include structural characterization of:

    • Sustainable Energy Materials: Study materials for energy applications, focusing on interfaces.
    • In-situ/Operando Studies: Observe materials processing and reactions in real-time.
    • Interface Science: Characterize buried interfaces in materials at the atomic level.
    • Catalysis Research: Study nanomaterial catalysts under operating conditions.
    • Quantum Materials: Determine the structure of advanced electronic materials and interfaces.
    • Time-Resolved Studies: Investigate dynamic processes with high time resolution.

    in situ / operando measurements can be performed with facility supported or user provided sample environments. Contact the beam line scientist or engineer to discuss the feasibility of user provided sample environments.



    Beamline Parameters

    Energy Range Resolution ΔE/E Spot Size Flux Angular Acceptance
    Unfocused 4000- 22000 eV ~5 x 10-4 ~10 x 50 um2 (Focused - front table)
    15 x 90 um2 (Focused - back table)
    - 1.5 mrad


    Monochromator Energy Range (eV) Resolution ΔE/E Flux (Ph/s)
    Si (111) 4800-18200 1 x 10-4 2 x 1013
    Si (311) 4800-18200 3 x 10-5 5 x 1012
    Multilayer 7000 - 12000 1 x 10-3 2 x 1014




    Front Table: Huber 5021 6-Circle Diffractometer,Rear Table: Custom including motorized stages for spatial mapping, secondary KB
    Detectors Pilatus 100K/300K with 172 µm × 172 µm pixel size, variable working distances
    Eiger 1M, Eiger 4M, Eiger 2 500K with 75 µm × 75 µm pixel size
    Vortex®-EX silicon drift detector for XRF available for transmission geometries and GI without helium chamber
    Other (available upon request) CryoCon 24C temperature controller with Sorensen DLM 40-15 external power supply
    Keithley 2601B source meter
    BioLogic MPG200 potentiostat
    Oxford Cryojet

    Sample Environment

    Cold Stage ARS LT3-110 Cryostat with motorized sample stages, Temperature Range: 5K - 350K
    GIXRD helium chamber 21.5 mm × 20.5 mm Al sample stage with vacuum port, heating up to 200 °C
    Standard GIXRD 21.5 mm × 20.5 mm Al sample stage with vacuum port
    Transmission plates Multiple sample plates available with varying array and aperture sizes
    Capillary heating heating powders up to 500 °C, compatible with capillaries with 0.5-1.25 mm o.d.
    Through staff collaboration Capillary heating cell with gas dosing, static pressure (1.3 x 10-7 to 200 bar), mass flow control (10, 100, 200, 500, 1000 sccm), cooling down to 120 K, contact Nicholas Strange (
    Electrochemical cycling with up to 4 pouch cells, requires consult on cell specs, contact Molleigh Preefer (
