

    Beam line 7-2 is a wiggler end station dedicated for x-ray absorption spectroscopy large scale rapid imaging and x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES, EXAFS) of biological, material science, and geological samples. A series of polycapillaries and pinholes can provide beam sizes from mm to ~ 35 x 35 microns. The energy range of the beam line optics covers 4.9-16 keV, with detection of fluorescent x-rays as low as Si. BL7-2 is equipped with a 7 element Vortex silicon drift detector and ionization chambers. Sample positions are controlled with submicron accuracy and has a stage motion range of ~1000 mm horizontally and ~300 mm vertically, ideal for obtaining elemental maps of many smaller samples or larger samples.

    (After many years of service, the materials science scattering capability was moved from BL7-2 to BL17-2 which is currently in development/commissioning)



    Beamline Parameters

    Energy Range Resolution ΔE/E Spot Size Flux
    Focused 5000-16200 eV 1 x 10-4 35 micron to 2mm 5 x 1010


    M0 Mirror Monochromator
    Vertical focusing, flat bent, 0.6 m, Si, Rh-coated -cooled Si(111), ϕ = 0o, double-crystal Sagittal focusing




    Detectors ionization chambers, 7-element Vortex Silicon Drift Detector, CCD detector for µXRD, Visible CCD camera with fluorescence filters
    Sample Positioning Newport sample positioner
    Other Shutter and variable filters to protect detectors and alleviate sample beam damage.Ele

    Sample Environment

    Standard Ambient temperature and pressure, N2/He atmosphere
    Flexible mounting frames
    Compatible with sample cartridges from multi-position sample wheel.
    Sample temperature: see above
    Sample size: up to 30 cm x 1 m


    46 μm Be, 15 μm C




    Science Highlights