

    Beamline 6-2c is a wiggler end-station dedicated to hard x-ray transmission microscopy. The full-field transmission X-ray microscope (TXM) is capable of 2D and 3D imaging (radiography and tomography), as well as spectroscopic imaging. Scientific areas include batteries, catalysts, fuel cells, among other nanoscale chemistry, materials science, and geology applications.

    The instrument resolution is ~30 nm with a ~30 micron field-of-view, depending on the photon energy. The energy range is ~5 to 13 keV, suitable for spectroscopic imaging of many transition metals in energy materials, and also for absorption contrast imaging of other materials. Elemental mapping is accomplished via acquisition of images above and below the X-ray absorption edge. Mapping of chemical states is accomplished with XANES (X-ray absorption near edge structure) imaging. Absorption contrast, elemental mapping, and chemical state mapping are possible in 2D and 3D imaging modes. Larger sample areas can be imaged in mosaic imaging mode, stitching together multiple fields-of-view.



    Beamline Parameters

    Energy Range Resolution ΔE/E Spot Size Flux Angular Acceptance
    Focused 5000-13000 eV ~10-4 0.2 x 0.4 mm ~1013 1.2 mrad


    M0 Mirror M1 Mirror Monochromator
    Bent flat single-crystal silicon Rh-coated 10-17 keV cutoff vertically collimating Bent cylindrical single-crystal silicon Rh-coated, standard focus Double crystal Si(111), psi=90, liquid-nitrogen cooled




    Detectors Pco Edge 4.2 bi sCMOS, single element vortex detector, ionization chambers for incident beam monitoring
    Microscope optics Elliptical capillary condenser, zone plate with 30 nm outer most zone width
    Other Shutter and variable filters to alleviate beam damage

    Sample Environment

    Standard Kapton heaters for flat samples
    Sample heating up to 400˚ C
    Custom user setups Consult with beamline staff on design, mass spectrometer (available upon request), gas cabinet for hazard gas flow handling


    127 μm Be

    BL 6-2c



    Science Highlights