Beam line 2-2 is a bending magnet experimental station setup for general x-ray absorption spectroscopy in the 4.5 keV to 37 keV range. This beam line features a QEXAFS capable water cooled double-crystal monochromator. Si(111) or Si(220) crystal sets can be installed. White beam experiments are possible. On-the-fly scanning modes are available to shorten acquisition time and enable time resolved studies. In addition, this beam line is equipped with a comprehensive suite of hardware and software tools that support R&D in beam line automation.
Source: Bending magnet, 0.4 mrad acceptance
Status —
Beamline Parameters —
Energy Range | Resolution ΔE/E | Spot Size | Flux | |
Unfocused | 4500 to 37000 eV | 1 x 10-4 | 3.0 x 15.0 mm2 | 1010 |
Optics —
Monochromator |
Water cooled, fixed gap double crystal Si(111) or Si(220), Cam-shaft QEXAFS drive |
Source —
Bend Magnet
Instrumentation —
Detectors | Ionization chambers, Passivated implanted planar silicon (PIPS) diode |
Ancillary | On-the-fly scanning capabilities: Continuous scanning typ. 90 s per 1 keV scan Quick scanning: max. 1 s per 1 keV scan |
Ionization chamber gas mixing and delivery system He, N2, Ar Max pressure 3 bar (44 psi) | |
Automated high-throughput system Sample storage capacity >300 Focusing x-ray polycapillary |
Sample Environment —
Standard | Ambient pressure, ambient temperature |
Absorption —
673 microns Be, 12.4 meters He, 15.2 microns C |
