Beam line currently closed for upgrade.
Beam line 10-2 is a wiggler-based source that splits time between the front hutch (BL10-2a), instrumented for wide-angle X-ray scattering, and the rear hutch (BL10-2b), instrumented for X-ray spectroscopy with a focus on in-situ, time-resolved catalyst characterization.
The BL10-2a station is equipped with a two-circle diffractometer and several area and point detectors. The end station is very flexible and can support large custom-made sample chambers such as annealers, coaters, electrochemistry and additive manufacturing chambers for in-situ diffraction experiments.
Status —
Beamline Parameters —
Energy Range | Resolution ΔE/E | Spot Size | Flux | |
Focused | 4500-22000 eV | 1 x 10-4 | 0.2 x 0.43 mm2 | - |
Unfocused | 4500-22000 eV | 1 x 10-4 | 2.0 x 20.0 mm2 | - |
Optics —
M0 Mirror | Monochromator |
vertically and horizontally focusing Rh coated bent cylinder 1.2 m long. | LN2 cooled, Si(111) ϕ = 90o, Si(220) ϕ = 90o, upward reflecting, double crystal Monochromator Crystal Glitch Library |
Source —
Instrumentation —
Detector | Single element Vortex detector(s) |
Area Detector | Dectris Pilatus 100K (83.8 x 33.5 mm2 area, 172 x 172 micron2 pixels) |
By request, Area detector | Dectris Eiger 1M (77.1 x 79.7 mm2 area, 75 x 75 micron2 pixels) |
Goniometer | Huber 2-circle diffractometer. Two diffractometer degrees of freedom are Θ for the sample and 2Θ for the detector. |
Custom | A stack of motorized Parker linear stages to support larger experimental chambers. (e.g electrochemical chambers, blade and spin coaters, annealing chambers) Variable filters to alleviate beam damage. Adjustable slits for defining spot size on sample. Soller slits. Beam stop to remove elastic scattering from area detector. Motorized syringes to inject fluids. Sample cameras and overhead cameras to monitor experiment. |
Sample Environment —
Potentiostat for electrochemical measurements. | |
Cryocon temperature controller. | |
Anton-Paar furnace (300-1150 K). Contact staff |
Absorption —
508 micron Be, 4.4 m He, 205 micron graphite (fixed), 1016 micron graphite (insertable, user controlled) |
