

    Beamline 13-3, a cutting-edge branch of BL13, is dedicated to advancing research in quantum materials and diverse areas of materials science through resonant soft x-ray scattering (RSXS) and spectroscopy. Equipped with a spherical grating monochromator (SGM) and an elliptical polarized undulator (EPU), the beamline provides full polarization control, including linear (vertical and horizontal) and circular (left and right) modes. Operating within a photon energy range of 250 eV to 1800 eV, it accesses key absorption edges such as the C, O, F, and Al K-edges, 3d transition metal L-edges, and 4f rare-earth M-edges. Its versatile endstation serves as an exceptional platform for exploring the electronic, magnetic, and structural properties of advanced materials, offering researchers unparalleled precision and a suite of sophisticated tools to drive innovative discoveries.

    The endstation is optimized for high-resolution RSXS measurements, particularly for reciprocal space studies. A high-precision diffractometer allows full sample and detector rotation (θ-2θ) and features broad azimuthal angles from -45° to +45°, along with flipping angles ranging from -20° to +20°. This setup enables comprehensive exploration of reciprocal space, facilitating detailed investigations into material properties.

    The experimental station operates under ultra-high vacuum conditions, maintaining pressures below 10-10 Torr to prevent sample contamination. It also offers precise temperature control, ranging from approximately 10 K to room temperature (300 K), through a closed-cycle liquified helium system.

    To meet a variety of experimental needs, the RSXS endstation includes two types of detectors. Schottky barrier photodiodes with a fixed pinhole slit provide high-resolution measurements, while a 2D CCD detector with vertical translation capabilities offers wide-area data acquisition, ensuring flexibility and high-quality results.

    Beamline 13-3 also supports spectroscopic techniques, such as X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD), utilizing the RSXS endstation. These measurements can be conducted using fluorescence yield (FY) or total electron yield (TEY) detection modes, providing flexibility for diverse experimental requirements. For XMCD studies, the beamline is equipped with a permanent magnet capable of generating magnetic fields up to 0.5 Tesla, further enhancing its versatility for investigating magnetic phenomena.

    Source: 26-pole elliptical polarizing undulator (EPU), 0.25 mrad acceptance



    Beamline Parameters

    Energy Range Resolution ΔE/E Spot Size Flux
    Focused 250-1800 eV 1 x 10-4 0.3 x 0.3 mm2 1011 - 1012


    M0 Mirror Monochromator 13-3 M1 Mirror 13-3 M2 Mirror
    Horizontal flat followed by a vertical sphere, both Pt coated Spherical Grating Monochrometer (SGM) 300 l/mm, Ni coated 600 l/mm, Ni coated 1100 l/mm, Pt coated Horizontal focusing mirror Mirror: Vertical refocusing mirror




    In-vacuum diffractometer full range of θ-2θ rotation: 0° to 180° Azimuthal: -45° ϕ 45° Flipping: -20° χ +20° Independent sample manipulation: x/y/z (±12.5 mm) Independent detector height adjustment: ±20 mm
    Detectors Point detector: GaAsP photodiode (product from Hamamatsu in Japan) 2D detector: in-vacuum CCD (product from Greateyes in Germany)
    Optical YAG system Beam positioning monitor: Optical Camera system Sample positioning monitor: Optical Camera system
    Operating system (software) Diffractometer: SPEC system in Linux machine Beam Motors control: EPICS system in Linux machine Data Analysis GUI: MATLAB in Windows machine

    Sample Environment

    Sample temperature 10K - 300K
    Sample size ≤ 15 x 15 mm2. Typically, we prefer ≤ 5 x 5 mm2
    Other Load lock system (maximumly, 4 samples can be loaded)
    Magnetic field: ~0.5 Tesla (through a permanent magnet)




    Science Highlights