

    BL13-2 is an elliptically polarizing undulator (EPU) beamline dedicated for high energy resolution soft x-ray core-level spectroscopy. Its endstation features a versatile chamber capable of characterizing numerous samples simultaneously. It is equipped to measure XAS in various modes including Total Electron Yield (TEY), Partial Electron Yield (PEY), Total Fluorescence Yield (TFY), and Partial Fluorescence Yield (PFY). BL13-2 is also equipped with a Transition Edge Sensor (TES) spectrometer for x-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) and resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) as well as Partial Fluorescence Yield (PFY), offering ultra-sensitive detection with a large solid angle and 1.5 eV resolution throughout the soft x-ray range. Heating (up to 110 C) and cooling (down to 50 K with LHe, typically to 80 K with LN2) capabilities are available. In-situ capabilities are currently under development. For complex sample environments, such as sealed liquid or frozen liquid, please contact Hirohito Ogasawara or Sang-Jun Lee for more information.

    Source: 26-pole elliptical polarizing undulator (EPU), 0.25 mrad acceptance



    Beamline Parameters

    Energy Range Resolution ΔE/E Spot Size Flux (ph/sec)
    Focused 180-1450 eV (XAS) 1 x 10-4 0.01 x 0.05 mm2 1011 - 1012


    M0 Mirror Monochromator Kirkpatrick-Baez Refocusing Mirror Pair (Pt)
    Horizontal flat followed by a vertical sphere, both Pt coated Spherical Grating Monochrometer (SGM) 300 l/mm, Ni coated 600 l/mm, Ni coated 1100 l/mm, Pt coated




    Keithley Current Amplifier (Total Electron Yield)
    Channeltron (Partial Electron Yield)
    Silicon Diode AXUV100 (Total Fluorescence Yield)
    TES Spectrometer (Partial Fluorescence Yield)

    Sample Environment

    Sample requirement Non-Volatile, Non-Toxic
    Sample temperature 300 - 600 K
    Sample size < 5 x 5 mm2
    Other UHV ~ 10 Torr




    Science Highlights