

    Beam line 4-3 is a wiggler side-station dedicated for x-ray absorption spectroscopy and EXAFS measurements on biological, environmental, catalysis, and materials systems. This station enables tender x-ray measurement (S K-edge and up, i.e. 2.4-5 keV) in addition to hard x-rays (up to 10 keV). Separate in-hutch experimental setups are required for the two different energy ranges. In the tender x-ray energy range, the station is setup with a He flight path from the beam line optics to the sample to avoid absorption by air. The beam is collimated and unfocused to allow for high energy-resolution measurements on homogenous samples. BL4-3 is equipped with a 7-element solid-state silicon drift detector in addition to ionization chambers and PIPS/Lytle detectors. A LHe cryostream allows for low-temperature measurements (T~100 K). A motorized sample holder stage allows sequential measurement on multiple samples, which can be queued in the data collection software. There is an in-hutch gas manifold for in-situ catalysis with mass-flow control and reactor cells, and a potentiostat is available for operando measurements on battery cells.

    Source: 20-pole, 2-Tesla wiggler side station, ≤ 0.75 mrad acceptance



    Beamline Parameters

    Energy Range Resolution ΔE/E Spot Size Flux
    Unfocused 2400-10000 eV 1 x 10-4 2 x 12mm2 1 x 1012


    M0 Mirror Monochromator
    vertically collimating, flat, bent, 1.0 m, bare Si, maximum cutoff ~10 keV Si(111), ϕ = 0o & 90o, double-crystal, variable-exit geometry




    Detectors Hitachi Vortex 7-element silicon solid state detector with ASIC preamplifiers Quantum Detectors Xspress3 X processing electronics Passivated implanted planar silicon (PIPS) semiconductor detector Ionization chambers
    Ancillary Soller slits and scatter guards Liquid Helium cryostream (for x-ray energies <5 keV) Motorized multiple solid sample holder In-hutch co-ACCESS gas manifold Flammable gas cabinet Biologic Potentiostat available upon request

    Sample Environment

    Standard 4-8 slot motorized sample stage with 3 x 20 x 1 mm single sample size Helium gas-filled sample box X-ray energy <5 keV with continuous He flow Alpha Omega Instruments oxygen sensor on sample box exhaust line Ambient pressure samples up to 10 keV incident energy Liquid He cryostream for sample cooling - temperatures approximately 100K Sample heater from 25 C to 100 C He flight path to sample membrane for liquid electrolytic measurements
    Non-Standard For radioactive samples (RAM), refer to: Radioactive sample contact person: Matt Padilla:


    127 micron Be




    Science Highlights