Access Process

1. Submit a Proposal

To gain access to scientific resources at SSRL, all users need to register as a user and submit a proposal by the posted deadlines.

At SSRL, users can submit research proposals that cover many beam lines and techniques. In addition to Standard General User Proposals, Rapid Access and Letter of Intent (LOI) proposals may provide mechanisms for quick access to a small amount of beam time to test the feasibility of new ideas. 

Peer Review

SSRL proposals are peer reviewed by the SSRL Proposal Review Panel (PRP) who provide a numeric rating as well as a recommended beam time allocation for the lifetime of the proposal.  Successful proposals may be awarded beam time on SSRL beam lines, with priority given to the highest rated proposals and those which demonstrate efficient and productive use of beam time. Proposals rated better than 1.4 are most likely to receive their optimal number of shifts on their first choice beam line; other requests are accommodated as beam time is available.

Research teams are discouraged from submitting multiple proposals. Multiple proposals from members of the same research team will be flagged during the peer review process and may be combined, limited in lifetime and/or beam time allocations, or rejected.

User Portal           Proposal Guidelines          Proposal Deadlines 

2. Submit Beam Time Requests

Once a proposal is peer reviewed/rated (assuming the rating is sufficiently high to successful compete for beam time), the next step is for the proposal spokesperson (or their authorized lead contact) to submit beam time requests by the posted deadlines for each scheduling period in which the team is interested in running their experiment(s).


  • X-ray / VUV
    • August 1
    • November 1
    • March 1
  • Macromolecular Crystallography
    • September 7
    • January 19
    • April 24

This separate step provides a mechanism for the proposal spokesperson to request their desired beam line(s), amount of beam time, specific equipment or beam line configurations, and dates when they are available (or indicate preferences or when they have conflicts).

This step needs to be repeated for each of the three scheduling periods per year in which the proposal team would like to access SSRL's capabilities. Unscheduled Beam Time Requests do not roll over to the next scheduling period. For more information on scheduling periods, visit the Schedule Website.


How to submit a Beam Time Request:

  • Please log in to the User Portal (request a password if needed; note this is different from the SSRL or SLAC password, beam line accounts, Windows, and safety training)
  • In the User Portal, click the "SSRL" tab
  • Then click "Beam Time Requests" to view active proposals and previous beam time requests.
  • Click on "New Request" and follow the instructions to request beam time for your active proposals
    • Use the XRAY form to request BL 1-5, 2-1,2-3, 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, 6-2, 7-3, 9-3, 10-2, 11-3, 14-3, 15-2, 17-2
    • Use the VUV form to request BL5-2/4, 8-2, 10-1, 13-2, 13-3, 16-2
    • Use the PX form to request BL9-2, 12-1, 12-2, 14-1

Submit separate requests through the User Portal by the posted deadlines for each beam line and each allocation, technique or equipment configuration desired.


How to modify/change Beam Time Requests

To view status or modify recently submitted requests in the User Portal, click on the '(+) view beam time requests' link located below the proposal title. Requests that have been submitted but not yet received by the user office can be un-submitted (withdrawn). Draft requests can be saved to be edited, completed later, or deleted.

To change the list of users expected to participate for each experiment, click on 'Update' for the corresponding scheduled beam time.


Beam Time Scheduling Considerations

User Services and beam line staff review beam time requests for each beam line, technique and time period desired.

Many factors are considered in scheduling SSRL beam lines. Scheduling priority is given to highly rated proposals, while also considering the amount of beam time that has previously been allocated as well as the proposal team's demonstrated productivity. Consideration may also be given to graduate students who need a small amount of beam time to complete their thesis work. A rating of ~1.4 is generally the initial cut off for beam time on most oversubscribed SSRL beam lines. Additional requests are kept in the queue and may be accommodated as beam time becomes available to fill canceled beam time.

Other important criteria considered in developing the beam line schedule includes availability of resources (equipment, beam line staff, etc.). Experiments with similar equipment configuration are scheduled together whenever feasible for maximum efficiency and to minimize downtime. The User Services Office works with beam line scientists and engineers to develop a schedule that ensures the availability of desired resources to meet the needs of the proposal team and the facility.

Although users can request beam time on multiple SSRL beam lines over several scheduling periods, note the following:

Many SSRL beam lines are oversubscribed by proposals with high scientific merit; consequently, requests for highly oversubscribed beam lines will likely be limited to one (in rare cases two) experiments per research group per run year.

User Portal

3. Accept Beam Time and Submit Support Request to Inform SLAC/SSRL who plans to participate in beam time


3.1 Accepting Beam time: 

When the beam time schedule has been reviewed and approved, the schedule is posted online and made available to Proposal Spokesperson and Lead Contacts through for the User Portal for their review and acknowledgement. 

Let us know immediately if you will not use this beam time. The process for submitting requests and accepting beam time differs slightly for XRAY/VUV beam lines and macromolecular crystallography (PX) beam lines where users often desire very frequent access to small amounts of beam time.


3.2 Submitting Support Request for X-ray/VUV Beam lines

For XRAY/VUV beam lines, as soon as possible (ideally 30 days before scheduled beam time), complete the following steps to accept your beam time and submit the support request listing everyone who will participate in your experiment either onsite or remotely (remote/mail-in beam is only an option if approved and coordinated by SSRL staff). Remove anyone who will not participate in each scheduled experiment. Users receive weekly reminders, but if these steps are not completed in advance, proposal team members will be denied access and the experiment will be cancelled:


Collaborators are entered at the Beam Time Request stage for macromolecular crystallography. There is not a separate support request submission. Adjustments to the collaborator list can be made once the beam time is scheduled.  Click on the Support Requests tab and then on the Update Collaborators button.


Instruction on how to Accept Time and Submit a Support Request in the Portal

Accepting Time:

  • Log in to the User Portal
    • If you do not know your password, request a new password through the "Forgot Password Function"
  • From the Welcome Page, click on the "SSRL Tab" in the middle of the page.
  • Click on "Support Request" to view your active requests
  • Select "Accept Time" to acknowledge your beam time allocation.
    • If you find that you cannot use your assigned time, click "Decline Time," enter relevant comments as prompted and email

Submit Support Request

  • After you "Accept Time", select "Enter Request".
  • Identify a "Lead Contact" if you will not be on-site to supervise this experiment.
  • Confirm the Instrument for your experiment.
  • Carefully review the list of collaborators and edit this to inform us who will actually participate in this scheduled beam time (click either onsite or remote).
    • 'Remove' colleagues who will not participate in this experiment
    • 'Add' other collaborators as appropriate
      • Instruct any new users to register on the user portal at least 30 days in advance
  • Indicate if your collaborators request access to the Sample Preparation Lab.
    • Contact the lab to determine if your requests for Sample Preparation Lab Access or Equipment can be accommodated.
  • Indicate if your collaborators request access to the SSRL Sample Delivery User's Lab.
  • Click "Next" to continue to complete the safety information. Disclose and thoroughly describe all materials, equipment and any other potential hazards that you may bring or use while at SLAC.
    • SSRL Safety Officer Matt Padilla may contact the proposal spokesperson to review potential hazards, required training, controls, or personal protective equipment.
  • “Submit” your beam time support request when completed.
    • Contact the to add collaborators to your proposal team to modify your beam time support request after it has been submitted and accepted by SSRL.

User Support Office

4. Go through the Experiment Preparation Checklist

Once beam time has been assigned and accepted, each user needs to follow through a series of steps to prepare for their experiment time at SSRL. 

  1. Reach out to your beam line contact at least 3 weeks in advance to discuss your experiment and arrival plans. Beam line contacts can be found on the Beam line Contact List
  2. Plan your Experiment with turnover times in mind:
    • Although most SSRL X-ray/VUV beam lines officially turn over to the next user before 3 pm, start times vary depending on configuration requests and resource availability. Unless instructed or coordinated by your beam line contact, plan to clean and clean up the beam line by 7 am on your last day (by 6 am on designated Accelerator Physics (AP)/Maintenance (PAMM) days).
  3. Complete all steps on the Experiment Preparation Tab

We also offer a Spokesperson and Collaborator Checklist that can be used as an overview.

We encourage all users to refer to this checklist every time they are planning to do experiments at SSRL to ensure smooth access to all our capabilities. 


Please be aware that many of these steps are necessary and without them access to beam lines cannot be granted. 


Referencing SSRL & Funding Sources

User publications are extremely important in demonstrating the scientific impact of SSRL. Proposal teams must inform and acknowledge SSRL and the DOE Office of Science in presentations and publications.

Reporting & Acknowledgement Requirements

SSRL provides technical tools for world-leading science at no charge for scientists who conduct non-proprietary research, with the understanding that significant results are to be publicly disseminated. Scientists must acknowledge use of the facility in presentations and publications and must inform the facility of all publications, theses, awards, patents and other forms of recognition resulting from research conducted fully or partially at SSRL. These metrics of scientific achievements and productivity are extremely important to the facility and to funding agencies. Please contact us as results are about to be published so that we can work with you to more broadly communicate your research. With your help, we can maintain and report up-to-date listings to the Department of Energy and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Communicating research results with us in advance allows us to work with users, their home institutions and funding agencies to promote the latest SSRL science and to amplify media efforts through press releases and features. Please review the SSRL communications policies.

The SSRL Structural Molecular Biology (SMB) program is partly NIH supported. Therefore, compliance with the NIH Public Access Policy is required for publications that use the SSRL SMB facilities (macromolecular crystallography, biological SAXS, biological XAS). SMB users are therefore requested to follow the information on the NIH Public Access website and submit papers to PubMed Central.

Additionally, as members of the SLAC community, SSRL staff scientists have the responsibility for ensuring that any manuscript based on research conducted at SLAC which has been (or will be) submitted for publication outside of SLAC is also published as a SLAC Publication. SciDoc is available to help authors meet reporting requirements.

General Purpose

Use of the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences under Contract No. DE-AC02-76SF00515.

Macromolecular Crystallography, X-ray Spectroscopy and Biological Small-angle X-ray Scattering
(Including Absorption, Emission, MicroXAS Imaging, and when applied to Biochemistry, Bioinorganic, Biomedical, and Biology)

Use of the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences under Contract No. DE-AC02-76SF00515. The SSRL Structural Molecular Biology Program is supported by the DOE Office of Biological and Environmental Research, and by the National Institutes of Health, National Institute of General Medical Sciences (P30GM133894). The contents of this publication are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of NIGMS or NIH.

COVID-19 Experiments

Publications arising from COVID-19 related experiments and that were enabled by the CARES Act funding, should acknowledge the NVBL, in addition the usual SSRL contract acknowledgement:

Research was supported by the DOE Office of Science through the National Virtual Biotechnology Laboratory, a consortium of DOE national laboratories focused on response to COVID-19, with funding provided by the Coronavirus CARES Act.


6. Follow-Up

Complete the End of Run Form

After each experiment, please provide feedback using the End of Run Survey on the user portal. You can find the End of Run survey in the User Portal

We appreciate your feedback which helps us continue to improve user support as well as to meet our mission requirements for assessment and reporting.

Subscribe to SSRL Headline News 

To stay informed about SSRL you can subscribe to the newsletter by sending an e-mail to with "subscribe ssrl-headlines" in the body. 

General Feedback

SSRL strives to be a respectful place to do great science - free from harassment, intimidation or exploitation. We expect commitment from users and staff to achieve this. Please contact the SSRL user office ( if you encounter any issues during your visit to SSRL.

If you have any questions or if you have suggestions to improve the user experience at SLAC/SSRL, please let us know using the same email. 

We welcome your feedback!