

    Beam line 11-3 is a fixed energy (E = 12.7 keV, λ = 0.9763 Å) wiggler side station dedicated to wide-angle X-ray scattering techniques (WAXS). The beam line specializes in grazing-incidence geometry measurements, but transmission geometry measurements are also available upon request. The high flux of the instrument paired with a Rayonix MX225 CCD area detector enables rapid data acquisition across variable q-ranges for in situ/operando X-ray scattering measurements.

    This instrument supports a broad array of topics in material science, chemistry, physics, and environmental science. Notable applications include structural characterization of:

    • Photovoltaics/solar cells
    • Batteries (pouch cells) and electrodes
    • Polymers (membranes, thin films, upcycling, catalytic decomposition)
    • Organic and inorganic semiconductors
    • Microelectronics and quantum devices
    • Sorbents for gas capture, storage, and separations

    Many of these materials can be examined in situ or operando with facility supported or user provided sample environments. Contact the beam line scientist or engineer to discuss the feasibility of user provided sample environments.



    Beamline Parameters

    Energy Range Resolution ΔE/E Spot Size Flux
    Focused 12700 eV ~5 x 10-4 3.0 x 0.15 mm 2 x 1012


    M0 Mirror Slits Monochromator
    Vertically focusing, flat, bent, 1 m, Si, Rh-coated Adjustable slits for defining beam to sample.
    Adjustable slits for defining beam to sample.
    Typical beam sizes for geometries:
    - GIXRD (50 microns vertical x 150 microns horizontal)
    - Transmission (100 microns vertical x 100 microns horizontal)
    Bent flat, side-scattering Si(311) with offcut; fixed energy at 12700 eV.




    Detectors Rayonix MX225 with 73.242 µm × 73.242 µm pixel size, variable working distances
    Vortex®-EX silicon drift detector for XRF available for transmission geometries and GI without helium chamber
    Other (available upon request) CryoCon 24C temperature controller with Sorensen DLM 40-15 external power supply
    Keithley 2601B source meter
    BioLogic MPG200 potentiostat
    Oxford Cryojet

    Sample Environment

    GIXRD Helium Chamber 21.5 mm × 20.5 mm Al sample stage with vacuum port, heating up to 200 °C
    Standard GIXRD 21.5 mm × 20.5 mm Al sample stage with vacuum port
    Transmission plates Multiple sample plates available with varying array and aperture sizes
    Transmission battery cycling Electrochemical cycling with up to 2 pouch cells, contact staff for pouch cell specs
    Capillary heating heating powders up to 500 °C, compatible with capillaries with 0.5-1.25 mm o.d.


    508 μm Be, 2 mm C




    Science Highlights