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The user can download the SEC-SAXS data remotely. The instruction is here:
Note that you need a secure protocol (SFTP or SCP), not (FTP or CP) to connect our server.
Directory hierarchy and files
All data should be stored like the following figure:


Figure 6. Directory hierarchy and files of SEC-SAXS Data

All scattering images and associated files are stored in the “data” directory and all processed data (e.g. SAXS curves) are stored in the “analysis” directory. Regardless of the file extensions, all files are written in text format except image files (.tif and .png). The user can open those files with a text editor, Microsoft Excel, etc.

After each SEC-SAXS data collection, SECPipe created two directories having the same sample name used on BluIce under both “data” and “analysis” directories. A set of images and associated files was moved in the directory under the “data” directory. The directory under the “analysis” directory consists of three sub-directories (“average”, “plots”, and “sastool”):

- All files associated with Sastool (.dat, .tot, .sub, etc.), a data reduction program of BL4-2, are stored in “sastool” directory. More details about SasTool and its output files are described here.  
- A variety of plots generated by BluIce and SECPipe is stored in the “plot” directory. The user can see the SEC-SAXS elution profiles (SEC-SAXS Guinier analysis) and UV elution profiles. The coordinates of those plots are also stored in this directory. Note that different files containing the same coordinates can be found in other places.
- The “average” directory contains a series of averaged SEC-SAXS curves (averaged every 5-images). They could be useful for initial analysis and modeling. Note that individual SEC-SAXS curves before the averaging are stored in the “sastool” directory.