SSRLUO 2006 Executive Committee Members

Juana Acrivos
CSU San Jose, Chemistry, 1 Washington Square, SanJose, CA 95192-0101
  Juana Acrivos has done experiments at SSRL since 1978. She is a chemist at SJSU (Professor). Her students first work at SSRL (Alan Robertson, Kevin Hathaway) showed how metal (Rb and Ba) in ammonia solutions change valence from 0 (in metallic solutions) to ionic values as the dilution is increased. The dynamics of intercalation chemistry was investigated in the '80s for TaS2 exposed to N2H4 in the beam (John Reynolds, Stuart S P Parkin). Battery action was revealed by investigating the Se edge shifts in (C(graphite|Cx(H2SeO4)|Cx<N2H4) (Adrienne Fishgrund). The late '90s revealed the dynamics of phase transitions in superconducting cuprates near the BaL3- edge. Thaddeus Norman uncovered phase transition phenomena in the NiS2-xSex system by Se and Ni XAS. Now together with Maria Angeles Navacerrada (Complutense University in Madrid). She has uncovered novel periodic lattice distortions in nano-scale films of YBCO at room temperature by XRD.
  email: ph: 408-924-4972
fax: 408-924-4945

  Joy Andrews (Chair)
California State University East Bay, Chemistry, 25800 Carlos Bee Blvd., Hayward, CA 94542

Associate Professor of Chemistry at California State University East Bay, has had 10 years' experience at SSRL, first with University of California Berkeley from 1992-1996, and continuing with research in the remediation of heavy metals in the environment with plants and novel materials. Her work on safety and other committees at LBNL and CSUEB will inspire her to help shape the professional and innovative environment at SSRL.  

  email: ph: 510-885-3492
fax: 510-885-4675

Alex Bell
University of California, Berkeley, ChemicalEngineering, 107 Gilman Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720-1462
  Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley (1967-present). His research is on the relationships between the local composition and structures of catalytically active centers and the activity and selectivity of these centers. He uses the facilities as SSRL to obtain EXAFS and XANES data to identify the local structure of metal cations exchanged into zeolites and supported metal oxo units. Quantum chemical calculations of proposed structures are carried out and these are used to produce simulated radial structure functions for comparison with those obtained from experimental data.
  email: ph: 510-642-1536
fax: 510-642-4778

  Linda Brinen

University of California San Francisco, Sandler Center, QB3, 1700 4th St, Box 2500, San Francisco, CA 94143-2550

  Assistant Adj. Professor of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology at the University of California, San Francisco, has made active use of SSRL's macromolecular crystallography resources since 1994 including two years of employment at SSRL within the Joint Center for Structural Genomics. She is the director of X-ray Crystallography at the Sandler Center for Basic Parasitic Disease research at UCSF. The research in her laboratory centers around two main areas: the structure, function, and designed regulation of proteolytic enzymes involved in parasitic infection and in allergic response.
  email: ph: 415-514-3426
fax: 415-502-8193

  Michael Brzustowicz
Stanford University, School of Medicine, 318 E Campus Dr., Stanford,CA 94305-5432
  Physicist studying the structure and function of biological membranes. Currently a post doc at Stanford University, School of Medicine, Mike has traveled the continent in search of beamlines suited for biomembranes work. Sadly, few places offer the specialized setup needed for X-ray scattering/diffraction studies of lipid bilayers, vesicles and lipid/protein complexes. Mike is particularly interested in 1) sharing his knowledge on "tweaking" existing beamlines for membranes studies 2) soliciting membrane researchers, directly, to utilize the superior resources at SSRL and 3) establishing a nationwide beamline control system, for biomembranes experiments, based on that of SSRL's macromolecular crystallography beamlines.
  email: ph:650-736-1715
fax: 650-736-1961

  Jesse Guzman

University of California at Santa Cruz, Physics, 1313 High St., Santa Cruz, CA 95060

  Second year UCSC graduate student doing EXAFS studies with the Bud Bridges group. His undergraduate studies at the University of Michigan with a BS in physics allowed him close access to APS. Working at APS sector 7 from 2001 until 2004 exposed him to a variety of x-ray science techniques such as time-resolved x-ray diffraction, coherent Bragg rod x-ray diffraction of thin films, and beam-line studies. Time resolved EXAFS, EXAFS on single crystals (including transmission through manganite single crystals), and developing new x-ray techniques currently dominate his research interests.
  email: ph: 531-459-3646

  Zsuzsa Hamburger
Stanford University, Department of Structural Biology, 299 Campus Dr. West, Stanford, CA 94305
  Postdoctoral fellow in Dr. William Weis' laboratory at the Department of Structural Biology at Stanford University School of Medicine. She was trained as a protein crystallographer in Pamela Bjorkman's lab at Caltech, where she solved the three-dimensional crystal structure of the bacterial integrin-binding protein, invasin. Currently, she is working on determining the crystal structures of several proteins involved in exocytosis.
  email: ph: 650-724-3306
fax: 650-723-8464

  Christopher S. Kim (Vice-Chair)
Chapman University, Physical Sciences, One University Ave., Orange, CA 92866
  Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Sciences at Chapman University in Southern California. He conducted his graduate work at Stanford University under Gordon Brown and continued his research as a post-doc at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory with Glenn Waychunas. He has been a user at SSRL since 1996 and has also conducted research at the ALS and APS. Currently, he is studying trends in the speciation, concentration, and distribution of heavy metals in mine wastes as well as the mechanisms and extent of metal uptake and (co-)precipitation with iron oxyhydroxide nanoparticles. Chris is also involved in increasing the exposure of undergraduate students to national synchrotron facilities.
  email: ph: 714-628-7363
fax: 723-532-6048

  Cathy Knotts (SSRL Liaison)

SSRL, User Research Administration, 2575 Sand Hill Rd., Menlo Park, CA 94025

  Manager of User Research Administration since November 2000. Prior to that time, Cathy managed administrative operations and corporate communications in the biotechnology industry. She was a management analyst for National Institute on Aging/National Institutes of Health before moving to North ern California in 1994. Cathy received a B.S. from the University of Maryland majoring in Health Science and Policy.
  email: ph: 650-926-3191
fax: 926-926-3600

  Richard Lee
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 7000 East Ave., Livermore, CA 94550
  Senior Scientist in the Physics and Advanced Technologies Directorate at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory responsible for developing scientific efforts in high and moderate energy density science. Dick has been a member of the LCLS Science Advisory Committee since its inception and was the team leader for the Plasma and Warm Dense Matter experiment that was one of the five 'First Experiments for LCLS'. He is currently actively involved in both experiment and theory related to ultra fast x-ray scattering studies of laser-excited solids.
  email: ph: 92-422-7209
fax: 925-423-2463

  Stephane Richard

The Salk Institute, Biological Studies, 10010 N TorreyPines Rd, La Jolla, CA 92037-1099

  Staff Scientist in Jack Skirball Chemical Biology and Proteomics center of the Salk Institute. Dr. Richard graduated from the University Joseph Fourier in Grenoble (France) where he completed his Ph.D. studying the principles underlying adaptation to extreme saline environments using X-ray crystallography, SANS & SAXS. He then joined the team of Prof. Joseph P. Noel in the Structural Biology laboratory of the Salk Institute as a post-doc to study the biosynthesis of terpenoid natural products.
  email: ph: 858-453-4100 1380

  William Schlotter
Stanford University, SSRL, MC: 69, 2575 Sand Hill Rd., Menlo Park, CA 94025
  Third year graduate student in the Applied Physics Department at Stanford University. His current research employs novel Lensless Imaging techniques to study magnetic nanostructures and he is planning to explore nanoscale dynamics using X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy. Since both techniques require coherent radiation he will use the newly developed beamline 5-2 at SSRL. He has participated in experiments at the APS and BESSY. Before coming to Stanford he completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Michigan and held summer research positions at Los Alamos National Laboratory and Ford Motor Company.
  email: ph: 650-926-2218
fax: 650-926-3600

  Robert Szilagyi
Montana State University, Chemistry and Biochemistry, 223 Gaines Hall, Bozeman, MT 59715
  Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Montana State University-Bozeman. His research interest focuses on bioinorganic, organometallic, and computational application of synchrotron radiation. He has five years of experience in XAS at various beamlines of SSRL and ALS. He uses NEXAS and EXAFS techniques in close correlation with theoretical calculations to investigate the relationships between chemical reactivity and electronic and geometric structures of bioinorganic active sites and biomimetic compounds, such as iron-sulfur clusters, S-nitrosated thiolates, as well as, tungsten, molybdenum, and palladium containing homogeneous catalysts. His motivation to be part of the SSRLUOEC is to provide a representation for junior faculty, to increase graduate and undergraduate student training, and to develop a spectral database for the community of synchrotron radiation users.
  email: ph: 406-994-4263
fax: 406-994-5407

  Glenn Waychunas (Ex-Officio)
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Earth Sciences, 1 Cyclotron Rd., MS: 70-108B, Berkeley, CA 94720
  Staff scientist in the Earth Sciences Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory where he is group leader for molecular geochemistry and nanogeoscience. He has been an SSRL user since 1978, with experience on a dozen beam lines performing both EXAFS/XANES and scattering experiments. His research includes determination of molecular structures at mineral-water interfaces including the nature of sorption complexes and water molecule orientation. He also conducts complementary synchrotron research programs at the ALS (soft x-ray spectroscopy) and APS (Crystal truncation rod surface diffraction), and has served on review panels for several CATs at the latter facility.
  email: ph: 510-495-2224
fax: 510-486-7152


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