Charter | Committee Members | Committee Meetings
By submitting a proposal or participating in beam time at SSRL, scientists are automatically included in the SSRL user community and a member of the SSRL Users' Organization. The SSRL Users' Organization (SSRLUO) is broadly concerned with representing the interests of the SSRL users (see Charter); its opinions are its own and do not necessarily reflect those of SLAC or the DOE.
Users elect members to serve on the Users' Executive Committee (UEC) to carry out the business of the SSRLUO. The UEC is the formal organizational unit of the SSRLUO. The SSRL Users Executive Committee (UEC) provides a framework for interaction between the scientific user community and SSRL/SLAC Management. UEC elections are held annually in conjunction with the users' conference. The SSRL UEC generally meets quarterly to plan the annual users' conference in coordination with the LCLS UEC, select recipients for several awards, provide input to SSRL management on topics of interest to the user community and to raise awareness about SSRL capabilities, user science and accomplishments to a broader audience.
SSRL UEC members serve 3-year terms, with the Chair and Vice-Chair elected by the UEC (Chair serves for 1 year; Vice-Chair rotates into the Chair position the following year; former Chair serves as ex-officio for 2 additional years for continuity). The UEC Chair and Past Chair serve in ex-officio roles on advisory panels such as the SSRL Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) and the LCLS Users' Executive Committee (LCLS UEC). The Vice Chair co-organizes the annual user's meeting along with the LCLS UEC Vice Chair and scientific staff members appointed by SSRL and LCLS.
SSRL is a RESPECTFUL place to do great science - free from harassment, intimidation, or exploitation. We expect commitmment from staff and users to achieve this. Contact us if you have suggestions, questions, want to talk, or if you encounter any issues while at SSRL
The SSRL UEC periodically contacts users, conducts surveys, and welcomes user input. Share ideas or concerns with the SSRL UEC.The SSRL UEC welcomes your feedback and suggestions to continue to improve the user experience!
The SSRL UEC functions include:
- meet periodically to discuss issues of interest to the user community;
- coordinate users' meetings and workshops to facilitate interactions, plan and prepare for new capabilities;
- coordinate a poster session to encourage users, particularly students, to share their research results or new techniques;
- judge the Joe Wong Outstanding Poster Award Competition;
- promote, select recipients, and present the Farrel W. Lytle Award and the SSRL Scientific Development Award which recognize important contributions or accomplishments from the user community;
- encourage and consider user feedback and suggestions;
- coordinate activities with the LCLS UEC and representatives from other national labs to increase awareness and support for basic sciences and the role of user facilities.
Plan to attend the next SSRL/LCLS Annual Users' Meeting (link is external) to be held at SLAC, Sept. 22-27, 2024.
Visit past users' conference programs ( 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015) and read past summaries ( 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015).
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