Request & Access Beam Time

1. Submit a Proposal

Registering as a user and submitting a proposal by the posted deadlines are the first steps to access beam time at SSRL. At SSRL, users can submit research proposals that cover many beam lines and techniques. In addition to Standard General User Proposals, Rapid Access and Letter of Intent (LOI) proposals may provide mechanisms for quick access to a small amount of beam time to test the feasibility of new ideas. Review Proposal Guidelines

Research teams are discouraged from submitting multiple proposals unless the proposed research is completely unrelated. Multiple proposals from members of the same research team will be flagged during the peer review process and may be combined, limited in lifetime and/or beam time allocations, or rejected.

When submitting proposals, we encourage users to state:

  • What you want to do (science)
  • Why it is worth doing (context)
  • How you plan to address the problem (methods)

Instructions for New Standard Proposals (Not LOI or Rapid Access)

In addition to the questions asked through the user portal, standard proposals contain 2 main parts: a brief abstract and the proposal description:

Title and Abstract:  In the respective fields, provide a title and brief summary of the proposal that you would be willing to share in various reports. Briefly state the scientific justification, the planned experiments, the techniques to be used, and the expected outcomes; limit to 1900 characters.

Proposal Description:  Describe your experiment including the following information, with Specific Aims and Planned Experiments clearly explained. The Project Description must be in PDF format using 12-pt font, 1 inch margins and single spacing. The proposal PDF is limited to 3 pages (not including references). Provide the PI/Spokesperson's name in the upper right hand corner of each page.

  1. Background/Significance (Provide a brief description of the current state of the chosen research area, concentrating on any gaps in current understanding that this proposal is designed to address. The significance of the research question being addressed should also be discussed. Essentially, answer the questions 'why is this research of interest?'. Be clear and concise; remember that reviewers may not be precisely in your area of research.)
  2. Specific Aims (Itemize the particular questions you want to answer, preferably as a numbered or bulleted list. Very briefly, describe how these questions target the overall research question discussed above.)
  3. Planned Experiments (Preferably organized by your Specific Aims, state the experiments that you plan to perform in pursuit of the answers to your specific aims. Be explicit with samples you will examine, techniques you will employ, and results you might expect. It may be appropriate to comment on how you would respond to difficulties encountered.)
  4. Data Interpretation Methods (Provide a brief overview of the methods of data interpretation you intend to use and of your experience, if appropriate.)
  5. Need for Synchrotron Radiation and SSRL (Describe why you believe that the synchrotron radiation techniques you propose are required or desirable to pursue your specific aims. If you are familiar with SSRL beam lines, specify which beam line(s) you want to use for your experiments and why; estimate how much beam time will be required, preferably organized by your Specific Aims.)
  6. References (Provide references to related work, including work demonstrating characterization by more conventional methods.)

* Any potential safety related issues must be disclosed when submitting a new proposal. List and describe any safety concerns that may arise with samples you will examine, equipment you will use, or techniques you will perform (including any physical, chemical or biological hazards) and how these issues will be addressed in the experiment design.

SSRL scientists are available to answer questions about SPEAR, beam lines, capabilities, science or techniques to help users plan their experiments.


User Portal

2. Submit Beam Time Requests

Once a proposal is peer reviewed/rated (assuming the rating is sufficiently high to successful compete for beam time), the next step is for the proposal spokesperson (or their authorized lead contact) to Log in to the User Portal (request a password if needed; note this is different from the SSRL or SLAC password) to submit beam time requests by the posted deadlines for each scheduling period in which he/she is interested in running their experiment(s). Generally standard proposals are eligible to request beam time for up to six scheduling periods over a two-year period. This separate step provides a mechanism for the proposal spokesperson to request their desired beam line(s), amount of beam time, specific equipment or beam line configurations, and dates when they are available (or indicate preferences or when they have conflicts).

In the User Portal, click the "SSRL" tab, then click "Beam Time Requests" to view active proposals and previous beam time requests.

Click on "New Request" and follow the instructions to request beam time for your active proposals

  • Use the XRAY form to request BL 1-5, 2-1,2-3, 4-1, 4-3, 6-2, 7-3, 9-3, 10-2, 11-3, 14-3, 15-2, 17-2
  • Use the VUV form to request BL5-2/4, 8-2, 10-1, 13-2, 13-3, 16-2
  • Use the PX form to request BL9-2, 12-1, 12-2, 14-1

Submit separate requests through the User Portal by the posted deadlines for each beam line and each allocation, technique or equipment configuration desired.

To view status or modify recently submitted requests, click on the '(+) view beam time requests' link located below the proposal title. Requests that have been submitted but not yet received by the user office can be un-submitted (withdrawn). Draft requests can be saved to be  edited, completed later, or deleted.

To change the list of users expected to participate for each experiment, click on 'Update' for the corresponding scheduled beam time.


Note:  Many SSRL beam lines are oversubscribed by proposals with high scientific merit; consequently, requests for highly oversubscribed beam lines will likely be limited to one (in rare cases two) experiments per research group per run year.


User Portal

3. Accept Beam Time AND Submit Support Request to Inform SLAC/SSRL who plans to participate in beam time

User Services and beam line staff review beam time requests for each beam line, technique and time period desired, and they work together to develop a schedule that ensures the availability of desired resources to best meet the needs of the user proposal team and the facility. Many factors are considered in scheduling SSRL beam lines.

When the beam time schedule has been reviewed and approved, the schedule is posted online and made available to Proposal Spokesperson and Lead Contacts through for the User Portal for their review and acknowledgement. 

Let us know immediately if you will not use this beam time.The process for submit requests and accept beam time differs slightly for XRAY/VUV beam lines and macromolecular crystalography (PX) beam lines where users often desire very frequent access to small amounts of beam time.

For XRAY/VUV beam lines, as soon as possible (ideally 30 days before scheduled beam time), complete the following steps to ACCEPT our beam time AND  SUBMIT the support request listing everyone who will participate in your experiment either onsite or remotely (remote/mail-in beam is only an option if approved and coordinated by SSRL staff). REMOVE anyone who will NOT participate each scheduled experiment. Users receive weekly reminders, but if these steps are not completed in advance, proposal team members will be DENIED ACCESS and the experiment will be CANCELED:

  • Log in to the user portal (request a password if you have not already requested one or cannot remember your portal password; note this is different from your SSRL or SLAC password).
  • From the Welcome Page, click on the SSRL tab in the middle of the page. Click on "Support Request" to view your active requests, and select "Accept Time" to acknowledge your beam time allocation. If you find that you cannot use your assigned time, click "Decline Time" and enter relevant comments as prompted. (Also contact User Services)
  • After you "Accept Time", select "Enter Request". Identify a 'Lead Contact' if you will NOT be on-site to supervise this experiment. CAREFULLY REVIEW THE LIST OF COLLABORATORS and edit this to inform us who will actually participate in this scheduled beam time (click either onsite or remote). 'Remove' colleagues who will not participate in this experiment, and 'Add' other collaborators as appropriate (concurrently, instruct any new users to register on the user portal at least 30 days in advance). Security will only issue SLAC ID badges for users listed on scheduled proposals.
  • Review your beam time request. If your current experimental plans/equipment/safety needs are different from those summarized here, contact us immediately to determine whether these late changes can be accommodated.
  • Scroll down to complete the support request and ensure that all information is accurate, then "SUBMIT".

Registration & Assistance

  • Review Access & Check-In Procedures
  • Each individual user affiliated with a scheduled proposal is required to register (and annually verify their personal information is accurate).
  • If anyone on your team has an INACTIVE or GONE status at SLAC, they need to submit a new POI request to renew their SLAC status. Follow the instructions and list me as your SLAC point of contact. (Knotts, Cathy)
  • Complete on-line safety training before traveling to SLAC, and arrive by 2 pm in order to complete check in/receive an ID badge/proximity access and attend the 2 pm SSRL Safety Orientation.
  • New users should review our user 'To-Do' list.

User Support Office

4. Other Actions Required for Access  

Registration & Assistance

  • Review Access & Check-In Procedures
  • Each individual user affiliated with a scheduled proposal is required to register (and annually verify their personal information is accurate).
  • If anyone on your team has an INACTIVE or GONE status at SLAC, they need to submit a new POI request to renew their SLAC status. Follow the instructions and list me as your SLAC point of contact. (Knotts, Cathy)
  • Complete on-line safety training before traveling to SLAC, and arrive by 2 pm in order to complete check in/receive an ID badge/proximity access and attend the 2 pm SSRL Safety Orientation.
  • New users should review our user 'To-Do' list.

Prepare for Beam Time

Reach out to your beam line contact at least 3 weeks in advance to discuss your experiment and arrival plans. Although most SSRL X-ray/VUV beam lines officially turn over to the next user BEFORE 3 pm, start times vary depending on configuration requests and resource availability. Unless instructed or coordinated by your beam line contact, plan to CLEAR and CLEAN UP the beam line by 7 am on your last day (by 6 am on designated ACCELERATOR PHYSICS(AP)/MAINTENANCE (PAAM) days).

User Agreement

Ensure that we have a User Agreement signed by the institution official for everyone on your proposal team before traveling to SLAC (contact us to help arrange an extension or new agreement before your experiment).

Sample Prep Labs

To learn about or request access to the SSRL Sample Prep Lab or lab equipment, visit the lab website and click on "Laboratory Access'. Annually, complete the online portion of Course 204 - SSRL/LCLS/CryoEM Sample Prep Lab (in-person training is no longer required every visit, unless specifically requested by the user). Follow the instructions to complete and submit the online user access agreement form."

Reserve Accommodations

If you need lodging, reserve rooms as far in advance as possible using this specific link to access DISCOUNTED USER ROOMS at the GUEST HOUSE. Room for users are set aside during peak demand periods at Stanford. If rooms are not available, ask to be waitlisted for any rooms that become available at a later date.

Plan Travel for Onsite Users

Plan to arrive at SLAC Monday-Friday, preferably 7 am-1 pm. Annually upon your initial arrival, stop at the Security gate with your photo ID ready (users listed on your support request will be added to the SLAC Site Access List). To check-in and obtain (or renew) your SLAC ID badge and proximity access, take your original identification (driver's license for US citizens; foreign nationals need passport/visa documents/Lawful Permanent Resident Card) to the VUE Center/Badging Office in the Science and User Support Building 53 (SUSB adjacent to the main gate). SLAC maps and direction:

Foreign nationals - note requirements and respond promptly to SECURE email requests for information from SLAC VUE Coordinator, Azeb Amii. Arrive during weekday working hours for check-in at the Badging Office (Monday-Friday, 7 am-4 pm); evening and weekend check-in for foreign nationals is not provided.

SLAC and SSRL management continue to carefully monitor public health guidance and adjust COVID-19 rules accordingly should circumstances change. Do not come on site while COVID-positive or experiencing COVID-related symptoms. Review the latest requirements for vaccinations, testing, distancing and masks online.

User Safety and Housekeeping Responsibilities

Proposal teams must disclose and thoroughly describe all materials, equipment and any other potential hazards that you may bring or use while at SLAC. Our Safety Officer will contact you to review hazard mitigations, required training, controls, or personal protective equipment. This information will be documented on the Safety Checklist. Notify us immediately if your experiment plans or team changes. You are responsible for ensuring that everyone listed on your proposal receives appropriate training related to your planned experiment, including standard and emergency procedures relevant to any hazards associated with your experiment. While at SSRL, your group is expected to keep all work areas NEAT and ORDERLY and to CLEAN UP your work areas before your experiment ends. FAILURE TO MEET THESE REQUIREMENTS WILL IMPACT THE ABILITY OF YOUR PROPOSAL TEAM TO ACCESS OUR FACILITIES IN THE FUTURE. List this proposal lead person's name and their contact information on the beam time support request and on the white board at the beam line). If you have questions related to any safety procedures at SSRL, please contact Matt Padilla. Review safety requirements for advance notifications, quantity limitations, and training requirements for handling radioactive or nano materials.

Be aware that car break-ins are on the rise in the Bay Area. Exercise caution, be aware of your surroundings, park in well lighted areas and avoid leaving anything in a vehicle.

Please exercise caution when visiting SLAC. With reduced people onsite during the pandemic, more wildlife can be found closer to buildings. Please do not place food out for any wildlife and ensure that outdoor waste container lids are securely closed. See tips below in the unlikely event of encountering a mountain lion or coyote (especially if exhibiting aggression, such as growling, stalking, chasing, or in other ways appears to be a direct threat to human safety):

*       Do not run, and do not turn your back to the animal

*       Back off slowly while maintaining eye contact

*       Make yourself big and loud (e.g., raise arms, yell, clap, make loud noises)

*       If you have a flashlight, shine it at them

*       Immediately report the encounter to SLAC Security ext. 5555

*       Call 911 for life threatening emergencies

If you have any questions or if you have suggestions to improve the user experience at SLAC/SSRL, please let us know. We welcome your feedback!



User Support Office

5. Follow-Up

Complete User Survey

After each experiment, provide feedback using the End of Run Survey on the user portal.

Acknowledgements, Publications, Science Highlights & News

After data have been collected, analyzed and submitted for publication, inform SSRL and acknowledge SSRL and funding agencies in each publication using the formats posted on the SSRL website. We need your help to keep up-to-date listings of all SSRL related peer-reviewed journal papers, book chapters, conference proceedings and theses as these metrics of scientific achievements and productivity are extremely important to the facility and to funding agencies.

Stay Informed Subscribe to SSRL Headline News by sending an e-mail to with "subscribe ssrl-headlines" in the body. Also visit the SSRL website for the latest news and announcements at SSRL.


After completing each scheduled experiment at SSRL, submit an End of Run Survey through the user portal. Feedback is extremely important to us. We appreciate your feedback which helps us continue to improve user support as well as to meet our mission requirements for assessment and reporting.

SSRL is a RESPECTFUL place to do great science - free from harassment, intimidation or exploitation. We expect commitment from users and staff to achieve this. Please contact us if you encounter any issues during your visit to SSRL.

If you have any questions or if you have suggestions to improve the user experience at SLAC/SSRL, please let us know. We welcome your feedback!