Welcome to the SSRL sample preparation laboratories (SPLs). Due to safety concerns for all lab users, experimental samples and our equipment, the laboratories have restricted access. Each group must submit the form below and each group member must complete lab training to access the laboratories. This User Access Agreement form must be completed EVERY TIME YOUR BEAMTIME REQUIRES THE USE OF SPL SPACE. The group will be assigned bench space and granted access to the laboratory via RFID badge.

SSRL SPL Homepage:

SSRL SPL Manager  
Charlie Tapio
Office: Building 120, Room 219
Phone: (650)926-3467 or x3467

SSRL Safety Officer: Matthew Padilla (x3861)
SSRL AFTER HOURS: SSRL Duty Operator (x4040)
Non-emergency: SLAC Security (x5555)
Emergency: 911 and SLAC Security (x5555)
Medical incident: SLAC Medical Department (x2281) or SLAC Security (x5555)
LCLS SPL Manager: Chris Kupitz, Ph.D. - Email:, Phone: (650)926-5408 or x5408

The corresponding LCLS User Access Agreement Form can be found online:

User Responsibilities

Spokesperson/Lead Person Responsibilities

The Spokesperson takes ultimate responsibility for the entire group’s proper use of the laboratory, including strict adherence to lab rules and approved Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).  The Spokesperson must assign the Lead Person role to a group member if he/she is not on site with the group members.  The Spokesperson/Lead Person must ensure that each group member completes lab training and any applicable equipment training. The Spokesperson/Lead Person must ensure that the information provided on the User Access Agreement Form and its attachments are complete and accurate before starting the work in the assigned SPL space.

Group Member Responsibilities

Each group member is responsible for completing necessary training, using appropriate personal protection equipment (PPE), properly using lab resources, and cleaning up their assigned area and hazardous wastes. Each group member is responsible for strict adherence to lab rules and approved SOPs.  Each group member must review and understand the contents of the User Access Agreement Form before starting the work in the assigned SPL space.

Entry and Work PPE Requirements

Safety glasses, closed-toe shoes, and long pants are required to enter the laboratory, and nitrile/latex gloves are required for all hazardous material and sample handling. Additional PPEs may be required depending on the scope of work. The door to the laboratory must be kept closed.

Laboratory Training

Sample Preparation Laboratory Training

Each group member must be current with Sample Preparation Laboratory Training, which consists of two parts; online safety training (Course 204) and an in-person lab orientation (Course 204SRL). Course 204 must be retaken online annually and the lab orientation is only required once. To schedule an appointment for the lab orientation, contact the Lab Manager.

Other Trainings

Additional safety training may be assigned based on the risk assessment of your work proposed to be performed in the SPLs. Hands-on equipment trainings are also required for special equipment.



All hazardous material containers must be labeled with chemical composition, hazard(s), owner’s name, date, and beam line or phone number.


All work involving acutely toxic and/or volatile materials must be performed in fume hoods. Work with any unsealed samples or reagents that are significantly toxic, reactive, corrosive, flammable, or otherwise especially hazardous, may require an approved SOP before work commences.  Consult with the Lab Manager and the Safety Officer to assess your work.


SPLs do not offer storage of user’s hazardous materials and samples in the laboratory after the group’s beam time is complete. All items temporarily stored in cold storages or anaerobic storages must be removed when checking out from the assigned laboratory.

Special Equipment

Special equipment in SPLs requires equipment training. Contact the Lab Manager to schedule the hands-on training. Examples of special equipment available are glove boxes (nitrogen, argon), environmental anaerobic chamber (“Coy chamber”), hydraulic pellet press etc. Equipment available in SPLs is listed in the Equipment Inventories.

SSRL SPL Equipment Inventory page at
LCLS SPL Equipment Inventory page at

Lab Supplies

Equipment, supplies, and chemicals should not be removed from the laboratory, moved to other laboratories, or relocated to beam lines. Each user assumes responsibility for exercising exemplary care in the use of the equipment. The cost for damage or malfunction caused by negligence will be billed to the user's home institution.

Chemicals available in the SPLs are listed in the Chemical Inventories. If a chemical is not listed, contact the Lab Manager.
SSRL SPL Chemical Inventory page at
LCLS SPL Chemical Inventory page at

Specialty supplies (micropipettes, agate mortar/pestles, PTFE tools etc.) are available on a check-out basis. Check the Equipment Inventories (webpages listed above).

Hazardous Waste and Sharps/Glassware Disposal

Hazardous Wastes

Detailed hazardous waste disposal guidelines are posted in each laboratory. All hazardous wastes are segregated by hazard category and stored in the Hazardous Waste Cabinet within each laboratory. Hazardous wastes must be contained appropriately, and labeled with chemical composition, hazard(s), contact person, beam line or phone number, and date. Glass and plastic bottles/jars, resealable plastic bags and waste labels are provided in the laboratories. Transfer of toxic or volatile materials to waste containers must occur in a fume hood. Empty reagent bottles should also be treated as hazardous waste. Hazardous waste must never be thrown in the trash bin.

Solvent Waste Accumulation (SWA) bottles are available in the Hazardous Waste Cabinets for disposal of organic solvents. SWA bottles are labeled according to solvent type, and disposal must be made accordingly. Aqueous, corrosive, or reactive chemicals must never be deposited in SWA bottles. Make sure to log the SWA bottle usage.

Sharps and Glass Items

Non-contaminated glass items (glassware, microscope slides, vials etc.) and broken glass must be put in the Broken Glassware Disposal container. Disposable glass pipets must be cleaned prior to disposal.

Non-contaminated used syringe needles and other sharp items are disposed of in Sharps Containers.
Sharps and glass items must never be thrown in the trash bin.

If the glass items or sharps are contaminated with hazardous material, please follow guidelines for hazardous waste. You may use plastic (or glass) bottles/jars provided in the laboratories to contain those items.


User Access Agreement Form

The SPL User Access Agreement Form must be completed and submitted by the Spokesperson and/or Lead Person of the group before the work begins. Any additional members of the group who plan to use the SPL space and resources must be listed in the “Group Member Signatures” section. 

The Lab Manager will confirm over email the appropriate lab room to be assigned to you based on the location (e.g. the proximity to your beam line) and availability of the lab resources (e.g. use of nitrogen glovebox) to ensure the safe and successful sample preparation. 

All samples, chemicals, and reagents you are bringing into the SPLs must be listed and submitted in the “List of Chemicals/Samples to be used in SPL” section, and approved for handling in your assigned area by the Lab Manager. If your work in the SPL requires a SOP, you must have an approved SOP prior to beginning work. Please contact the Lab Manager in advance to discuss your work and ask for the SOP template.

Other Forms

There may be other forms or documents you are asked to submit for review and approval by the Lab Manager, Safety Officer, and Subject Matter Expert depending on the risks and hazards associated with your materials and/or procedure. Entry to B131-113 (Geoscience lab) requires dosimetry under SLAC Form A. Please consult with the Lab Manager to ensure that you have all required documents submitted in advance.

Spokesperson or Lead Statement *
Which person is authorizing this responsibility form? If the Spokesperson is unavailable, please indicate a Lead Person in her/his place, below. The Lead Person will take responsibility for the entire group’s activities on behalf of the Spokesperson.
Spokesperson Responsibility Statement
Agreement *
Lead Person Responsibility Statement
Agreement *
Group Member Signatures
Space Reservation Form
Start Date (in SPL) *
End Date (in SPL) *

The Lab Manager will confirm over email. See the SSRL Lab Map.

Equipment Requested
(Check all that apply):

Review the full list of SSRL equipment

Equipment List *
List of Chemicals/Samples to be used in SPL

Please download the following samples list template and upload after completing it. Contact the Lab Manager for any questions.

Chemical List Upload *
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: xls xlsx.
SOP to be used in SPL

If you have an existing SOP, please upload it for review. If you do not have an SOP but think you may need one, contact the Lab Manager.

SOP Template | Example SOP

SOP Upload
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf doc docx.
Nanomaterial Checklist

A Nanomaterial Checklist is required for experiments using unbound engineered nanomaterials having one or more dimensions greater than 1 nm and less than 100 nm. If your work requires a Nanomaterial Checklist, please upload it for review. Contact the Lab Manager for any questions.

Download Nanomaterial Checklist Template

Nanomaterials Upload
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf.