Powder Diffraction


Beam line currently closed for upgrade.

Beam line 10-2 is a wiggler-based source that splits time between the front hutch (BL10-2a), instrumented for wide-angle X-ray scattering, and the rear hutch (BL10-2b), instrumented for X-ray spectroscopy with a focus on in-situ, time-resolved catalyst characterization.


Beam line 2-1 is a dedicated thin film/powder diffraction and reflectivity station. It is equipped with a Huber 2-circle goniometer and a high-resolution crystal-analyzer detector. There are several different types of sample stages to cater to a broad user-base including a motorized xyz stage, a capillary spinner, a "wet" liquid sample stage, and an Anton-Paar furnace (25-900 ºC). Data acquisition is performed using SPEC, with SPECPlot GUI interface (in-house diffractometer control, peak fitting and plotting software).