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   December 2003
Structure of Actin Cross-linked with a-Actinin: A Network of Bundles
[html]  [pdf]  [summary]
   November 2003
Remediation of Uranium-contaminated Water at Fry Canyon, Utah
[html]  [pdf]  [summary]
   October 2003
Converting Methane to Methanol: Structural Insight into the Reaction Center of Particulate Methane Monooxygenase
[html]  [pdf]  [summary]
   September 2003
Synchrotron Mesodiffraction: A Tool for Understanding Turbine Engine Foreign Object Damage
[html]  [pdf]  [summary]
   August 2003
Crystal Structures of Mammalian Carboxylesterases and Their Function in Drug and Xenobiotic Metabolism
[html]  [pdf]  [summary]
   August 2003
X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Catches the Chemical Form of Mercury in Fish
[pdf]  [summary]
   July 2003
Structural Genomics Identify Thymidylate Synthase Complementing Protein as a Novel Antibacterial Drug Target
[html]  [pdf]  [summary]
   June 2003
A New Look at Biological Electron Transfer: Electronic Relaxation in Rubredoxins
[html]  [pdf]  [summary]
   May 2003
Fate and Stability of Cr Following Reduction by Microbially Generated Fe(II)
[html]  [pdf]  [summary]
   April 2003
Structure of the Specificity Domain of Bacterial RNase P
[html]  [pdf]  [summary]
   March 2003
Exploring the Folding Landscape of a Structured RNA by SAXS
[html]  [pdf]  [summary]
   February 2003
Tailoring Plastics at the Molecular Level for Cost and Environmental Benefits in Industrial Processing
[html]  [pdf]  [summary]
   January 2003
The Role of Surface X-ray Scattering in Electrocatalysis
[html]  [pdf]  [summary]

Last Updated: 20 SEP 2004
Content Owner: C. Knotts
Page Editor: L. Dunn