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   December 2002
Looking at Trace Impurities on Silicon Wafers Using Synchrotron Radiation
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   November 2002
Towards the Chemically Specific Structure of Amorphous Materials: Anomalous X-ray Scattering from a Molybdenum-Germanium Alloy
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   October 2002
Order-Parameter Criticality of Random-Field Ising Antiferromagnet Measured Using the New SSRL High-Field Magnet Facility
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    September 2002
Enabling New Science with Advanced Beam Line Control and the Quantum-315 CCD Detector: The Ultra-High Resolution Structure of Nitrogenase MoFe-Protein
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August 2002
ABC Transporter Architecture and Mechanism
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July 2002
Plants with the Midas Touch: Formation of Gold Nanoparticles by Alfalfa Plants
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June 2002
VISA: A Milestone on the Path Towards X-Ray Free Electron Lasers
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May 2002
SSRL Studies Aid Environmental Cleanup at Rocky Flats
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April 2002
Towards Understanding Anthrax: Structural Basis of Target Recognition by Anthrax Lethal Factor
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March 2002
Formation of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in Weathering Plant Material
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February 2002
Can Sulfur Spectroscopy Save the 17th-Century Warship Vasa?
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January 2002
Bacterial Sulfur Storage Globules
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Last Updated: 20 SEP 2004
Content Owner: C. Knotts
Page Editor: L. Dunn