This school will provide a practical users' guide to planning and conducting scattering measurements at SSRL beam lines. The school will cover important techniques, including surface and thin-film scattering, powder diffraction, in-situ x-ray scattering, and amorphous materials. It will cover topics that are not commonly addressed in text books or class lectures, but are typically obtained only through on-the-experiment training. Modern synchrotron-based X-ray scattering techniques offer the ability to probe nano- and atomic-scale structures and order/disorder relationships that critically govern the properties of advanced technological and environmental materials. Good planning and a working knowledge of beam lines, in addition to techniques, are keys to conducting successful SR-XRS measurements. The goal of the school is to provide this knowledge.
This workshop has been made possible with support by: DOE-BES and DOE-BER.
View photos from the 2012 school.
A block of rooms at the Stanford Guest House (located on SLAC's campus) has been reserved.
Please reserve early to ensure availability by using the code "X-Ray Scattering Workshop".
April 28, 2012 is the deadline for booking rooms under this code.
May 29-31, 2012
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
2575 Sand Hill Road
Menlo Park, CA, 94025 USA
Research Office Building (ROB) (30-B on map grid)
Michelle Montalvo
Bus: (650) 926-2057