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ProgramSaturday - Sunday - Monday - Tuesday - WednesdaySaturday October 15, 20058:30 am - 7:00 pm (day 1 of 2)
7:15 am | Registration & Exhibitor Displays (Panofsky Auditorium foyer/breezeway) |
Session 1 - Opening RemarksThe SSRL Users' Meeting provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of research activities from the synchrotron community. New data and developments will be shared through invited talks and poster presentations. This Users’ Meeting will focus on a variety of synchrotron-based techniques and capabilities of interest to the broad scientific community of synchrotron users. |
8:00 am | Welcome and Introductions – Clyde Smith (Session Chair) |
8:05 am | SSRL Users’ Organization Highlights – Glenn Waychunas, LBNL |
8:15 am | Message from SLAC Director – Jonthan Dorfan, SLAC Director |
8:30 am | Photon Science at SLAC - Keith Hodgson, SLAC Deputy Director |
8:45 am | SPEAR3 – A Vision for the Future – Jo Stöhr, SSRL Director |
9:30 am | Safety Refresher for SSRL Users – Ian Evans, SSRL Safety Officer |
9:45 am | DOE BES Perspective - Patricia Dehmer, Associate Director of Science for Basic Energy Sciences, DOE |
10:15 am | Washington Update – Michael Lubell, American Physical Society |
10:30 am | Support for Basic Science and User Facilities – Pat Fulton, Consultant, Stanford University |
10:45 am | Break & Exhibitor Displays |
Session 2 - Pioneers in X-ray Absorption SpectroscopyThe field of X-ray absorption spectroscopy has grown from the early days, and in this session, we plan to honor some early pioneers as well as present some exciting new work in this field. Ken Sauer will discuss the contributions to the field by Mel Klein (1921-2000), a pioneer at the forefront of accomplishments in NMR, EPR, and x-ray absorption spectroscopy who was dedicated to the pursuit of the structure of the Mn complex characterized by the interplay of these methods. Farrel Lytle will reflect on the contributions of Dale Sayers (1943-2004), who was a co-founder of the Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) analytical technique which opened a new field of research that is now used extensively at synchrotrons worldwide. Uwe Bergmann will also discuss exciting new work that uses spectroscopy to reveal decipher ancient Archimedes text. |
11:00 am | Introduction of Topic and Speakers – Joy Andrews, CSUEB (Session Chair) |
11:05 am | Contributions of Mel Klein and Impact on the Field of XAS – Ken Sauer, LBNL |
11:30 am | Contributions Dale Sayers and Impact on the Field of EXAFS – Farrel Lytle, The EXAFS Company |
11:55 am | Archimedes Manuscript under X-ray Vision - Uwe Bergmann, SSRL |
12:25 pm | Lunch & Exhibitor Displays |
Session 3 - Structural GenomicsStructural genomics or structural bioinformatics refers to the analysis of macromolecular structure (proteins and enzymes) using experimental methods (X-ray crystallography and NMR), computational tools and theoretical frameworks. One of the goals of structural genomics is to obtain accurate three-dimensional structural models for all known protein families, domains or folds. Structural descriptions will help researchers illuminate structure-function relationships and will serve as the starting point for structure-based drug development by permitting faster identification of lead compounds and their optimization. There are now a number of Structural Genomics consortia around the world and over the past few years, three such groups have used SSRL to collect the data necessary to solve the structures from a targeted genome or genomes. The TB consortium looks primarily at Mycobacterium tuberculosis with a view to understanding Tb pathogenesis and initiating structure-based drug design. The SGPP is a consortium based at the University of Washington who are looking at the 3-D structures of proteins from major pathogenic protozoa including Leishmania major, Trypanosoma brucei and Plasmodium falciparum. The JCSG, based in San Diego and here at SSRL, are studying the structures from the hyperthermophilic bacterium Thermotoga maritima, and the mouse. |
1:25 pm | Introduction of Topic and Speakers - Clyde Smith, SSRL (Session Chair) |
1:39 pm | TBD - Shaun Lott, University of Auckland |
1:55 pm | TBD - Jonathan Caruthers, SGPP |
2:20 pm | TBD - Adam Godzik, UCSD/JCSG |
Session 4 Poster SessionApproximately 1,000 scientists visit SSRL annually to utilize specialized facilities which provide unique capabilities such as ultra-high resolution Fermi level mapping of high temperature superconductors; x-ray absorption fine structure studies for biological and molecular environmental science (including the handling of radioactive materials related to the cleanup of storage sites from the nation’s nuclear weapons program); and macromolecular crystallography using high-performance large-area CCD detectors and automated sample changing and data collection/analysis. Results from these experiments are publicly disseminated through many mechanisms, including user posters to be presented during this session. Graduate students are eligible for and are encouraged to compete for monetary prizes for outstanding posters. |
2:45 pm | User Research Poster Session and Reception |
Session 5 - A Sampling of Materials Research from DOE LabsSSRL is interested in increasing coordination with other synchrotron sources, and with that in mind, we have invited speakers from the ALS, APS, and NSLS to present their research in this session. The speakers also happen to be chairs of the user's executive committees at their respective light sources, and we will be working with them to help direct our efforts in user activism to increase its effectiveness. |
4:15 pm | Introduction of Topic and Speakers - Glenn Waychunas, LBNL (Session Chair) |
4:20 pm | Studying buried interfaces in real-world semiconductors using soft X-ray spectroscopy - Clemens Heske, UNLV (UEC Vice Chair, ALS) |
4:40 pm | In-Situ Characterizations of film and interface structure during processing and growth - Carol Thompson, Northern Illinois Univ. (UEC Chair, APS) |
5:00 pm | Powder Diffraction in the 21st century at Synchrotron Sources - Peter Stephens, Stony Brook (UEC Chair, NSLS) |
5:20 pm | Combining crystal truncation rod diffraction and grazing-incidence XAS information to determine surface complexation geometry - Glenn Waychunas, LBNL (SSRLUOEC Chair) |
5:45 pm | Reception - Exhibitor Displays - Posters (Auditorium Lobby & Cafeteria) |
6:30 pm | Dinner |
7:30 pm | Dessert and Presentation of Awards Graduate Student Poster Awards; Lytle Award; Spicer Young Investigator Award |
Tuesday October 18, 2005 |
7:30 am | Refreshments & Exhibitor Displays ( Panofsky Auditorium foyer/breezeway) |
Session 6 - Young Investigators SessionFor over 30 years, SSRL has pioneered technical, methodological and scientific developments, and has contributed to the education of national and international scientists. In this session, young scientific investigators will share exciting news related to their research activities. This session also provides an opportunity for the recipient of the W.E. Spicer Young Investigator Award to make a presentation. In recognizing a new investigator who has made important scientific contributions beneficial to the synchrotron community, the W. E. Spicer Award honors the memory as well as the many professional contributions of William E. Spicer (1929-2004), co-founder of the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Project which evolved into today's SSRL and an esteemed member of the international scientific community as a teacher and researcher in electrical engineering, applied physics and materials science for more than 40 years. |
7:55 am | Introduction of Topic and Speakers - Mary Corbett, Stanford (Session Chair) |
8:00 am | Between Electronics and Photonics: Terahertz Investigations of Complex Condensed Matter - N. Peter Armitage, Johns Hopkins University (2004 Spicer Awardee) |
8:25 am | Natural product diversification: Old Wines in a New Barrel - Stephane Richard, The Salk Institute |
8:50 am | Higher Order Assembly of Microtubules by Counter-ions: From Hexagonal Bundles to Living Necklaces - Daniel Needleman, Harvard University |
9:15 am | Structure of Ultra-thin Pentacene Films on a Silicon Dioxide Dielectric - Sandra Vos, University of Minnesota |
9:40 am | Metal-Support Interactions in Supported Catalysts for Olefin Polymerization: Insight from Low Temperature XAS - Eric Deguns, UC Santa Barbara |
10:05 am | Break & Exhibitor Displays |
Session 7 - Ultrafast ScienceAn upgrade to the existing SLAC linear accelerator (linac) along with specialized new instrumentation established a program of ultrafast science and made possible the Sub-Picosecond Pulse Source (SPPS) experiment. SPPS has provided a fast, relatively inexpensive way to begin studies with a new generation of very bright, sub-picosecond (less than one millionth of one millionth of a second) hard x-rays. A magnetic undulator (an array of permanent magnets) produces an ultra-short pulse of high-brightness x-rays from the linac electron beam. One of the unique features of the SPPS is its combination of brightness and sub-picosecond pulse length. The peak brightness in a single pulse of SPPS beam exceeds that of any existing hard x-ray source by several orders of magnitude. This combination allows the collection of flash measurements of the atomic positions of materials as they undergo changes following an impulse from an ultrafast optical laser. These studies are providing the opportunity to gain direct insights into important processes such as structural changes during actual chemical reactions. The SPPS will operate until mid 2006 in a time shared mode with other SLAC experiments and will play a role in the accelerator and x-ray optics R&D for the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) – the world’s first x-ray free electron laser, under construction at SLAC. Researchers are developing and refining the diagnostic tools associated with the production and use of ultra-short electron and x-ray pulses, and they are gaining valuable experience that will be applied to the early operation of the LCLS. |
10:20 am | Introduction of Ultrafast Science and Development of New Instruments to Exploit Unique Capabilities of LCLS - Jerry Hastings, SSRL (Session Chair) |
10:40 am | SPPS Results: Electro-optic Sampling - David Fritz, University of Michigan |
11:00 am | SPPS Results: Ultra-fast Melting - Aaron Lindenberg , SSRL |
11:20 am | Plasma High Energy Density Science - Richard Lee, LLNL |
11:40 am | Towards Ultrafast Dynamic Structural Studies in Photochemical Reactions - Lin Chen, ANL |
12:00 pm | Lunch & Exhibitor Displays |
Session 8 - SSRL Update: New Scientific Opportunities for SPEAR3Users are encouraged to participate in a discussion of new opportunities at SSRL, including the impact of top off and pulsed beam for time structure experiments. Currently during the three daily SPEAR fills (approximately 5 minutes each at 6 am, 2 pm, and 10 pm) beam lines shutters are closed and there is no beam for users. With the present 100-mA operation, beam decays to ~87 mA before refilling and beam line optical and experimental components experience a corresponding thermal load transient after refilling. With future 500-mA operation, the beam will decay more quickly: with six fills a day, the beam will decay to ~375 mA and the resulting thermal transient after refill will be more severe. As many modern light sources are now going to deal with related issues, SSRL intends to pursue top-off operations in the near future. Bob Hettel will discuss the top-off injection scheme for SPEAR, which would enable injecting frequently with beam line shutters open to reduce thermal transients and maintain a higher level of intensity constancy at the experiment.This mode comes at the expense of transient beam disturbances during injection that could adversely affect data quality for some experiments, depending on the duration of the injection period. Tom Rabedeau will give up an update on beam line development as well an assessment of the beam line impact of top off, the potential improvement in the beam stability owing to the more constant power loading on ring and BL optics, and the concern that 500-mA power loading on the BL optics may result in beam focus and monochromator tune drifts. We hope to begin a lively discussion of these issues and encourage users to fully participate in order to provide input on: 1) the impact of top-off injection; 2) the best way to implement it with regards to the frequency and duration of injection; and 3) how to mitigate its effect on experimental data acquisition. One important element of our implementation plan is to have staff scientists test systems on the various beam lines before this is fully implemented to ensure that this change will not negatively impact the quality of the beam. |
1:00 pm | Introduction - Piero Pianetta, SSRL (Session Chair) |
1:05 pm | SPEAR Operations Update/Impact of Top-Up Injection - Bob Hettel, SSRL |
1:35 pm | SSRL Beam Line Development - Tom Rabedeau, SSRL |
2:30 pm | Break & Exhibitor Displays |
3:00 pm - 5:30 pm | SSRLUO-EC Meeting (Orange Room) |
5:30-7:30 pm | Post-Meeting/Pre-Workshop Registration Reception (Auditorium Foyer/Breezeway) |
Tuesday - Wednesday October 18-19, 2005 |
Chairs: Jan Lüning, Anders Nilsson, Jo Stöhr Admin Contact: Michelle Montalvo
Tues. Oct. 18th 2:30-5 pm, Wed. Oct. 19th 9am-5pm
Location: SLAC ROB Bldg. 48, Redwood Conference Rooms C/D
This workshop is aimed at the formation of a user community with a common interest in ultrafast and ultrabright soft x-ray pulses from a free electron laser like LCLS. The workshop will bring together scientists interested in developing new techniques and tools tailored for experiments relying on ultrafast soft x-ray laser pulses with scientists interested in utilizing the unique properties of such soft x-ray pulses for their research. The workshop will start with a series of invited talks that will give an overview about soft x-ray laser sources and techniques currently available or under development as well as about first performed and currently planned or envisioned experiments utilizing soft x-ray laser pulses. In order to provide an environment for intense discussion, all participants are encouraged to contribute to the workshop. To contribute to the workshop, please send a title to luning@slac.stanford.edu and let us know how much time you would like to have reserved for you contribution. In addition to contributed talks there will also be time reserved for ‘walk-in’ presentations.
Wednesday October 19, 2005 |
Chairs: M. Toney, J. Pople Admin Contact: Jackie Robleto
Wed. Oct. 19th 9am - 5pm
Location: SLAC Bldg. 40, Orange Conference Room
This will be a hands on workshop with intent to demonstrate the burgeoning applicability of small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) resulting from the expansion of research and development on the nanoscale. The day will begin with presentations, briefly showing the techniques involved in SAXS in Materials Science and more closely focusing on current experimental data at the forefront of research which demonstrate the power of SAXS capabilities. The presentations will be semi-formal, with questions and discussion encouraged. Attendees will then move onto the beamline floor to gain hands-on control of configuring the SAXS beamlines (Beamline 1-4 will be utilized for this purpose) and collecting and analyzing data. New software recently developed for data analysis with be demonstrated. This practical aspect of the workshop will highlight both the techniques involved in SAXS data collection, reduction and analysis as well as identifying the limitations of existing beamline facilities. A final presentation will outline suggestions for a new Materials Science beamline at SSRL which can overcome those limitations and advance the capabilities that SSRL is can provide to the Materials Science community.
Chair: Mike Soltis; Admin Contacts: Lisa Dunn, Amanda Prado
Wed. Oct. 19th 12-5 pm
SLAC ROB Bldg. 48, Redwood Conference Rooms A/B
SSRL now provides remote access tools that allow experimenters to screen macromolecular protein samples and collect crystallographic data from remote locations, anywhere in the world. The system makes use of high capacity sample cassettes and robotic mounting systems implemented on the macromolecular crystallography beam lines.
At this remote access workshop, participants will learn about remote experimentation as well as specific methods for mounting crystals in cassettes and subsequent shipment of cassettes to SSRL. Participants are encouraged to bring their laptop computers and learn how to successfully install the remote access software (Windows, MAC and Linux operating systems are currently supported). Participants will be able to control beam lines remotely and also learn how to use Web-Ice, a web-browser based interface for scoring and indexing diffraction images. http://smb.slac.stanford.edu/public/news/workshops/workshop05/
SLAC | SSRL | Stanford University | webmaster | Last modified: March 31 2008. |