Announcing …
The Dale E. Sayers Fellowship
North Carolina State University
Physical and Mathematical Sciences Foundation

A dear colleague, Dale E. Sayers, one of the three pioneers of the analytical technique Extended X- ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS), died in November 2004 at age 60. The key EXAFS developments in which Dale participated (now about 30 years ago) opened a new field of research that is extensively used at almost all synchrotron radiation facilities worldwide.

Dale was an extraordinary man — generous and witty, as well as a great scientist. Dale was a highly visible synchrotron radiation user for over 20 years. He touched the lives of many in this world-wide scientific community. You or some of your colleagues might have even known Dale personally.

Of Dale's many qualities, his colleagues and friends would like to single out one: Dale was keenly interested in furthering the intellectual growth and scientific careers of those around him, in particular the growth of students and young scientists. The Dale E. Sayers Graduate Fellowship Endowment is thus planned at North Carolina State University to reflect his passion for mentoring and his love of institutions of higher education.

To fully endow the fellowship, substantial sums of money $300,000 are required; awards would be made from the income of endowment, preserving the principal for the future. Such an endowment will honor Dale's contributions to science in perpetuity.

If you are interested in contributing towards this fellowship to extend Dale's legacy, please send your tax deductible donation to:

Dale E. Sayers Memorial Fund
c/o NCSU PAMS Foundation
Campus Box 8201
Raleigh, NC 27695-8201

For additional information, please contact:
Harald Ade
Prof. of Physics
NC State University
Raleigh, NC
Phone: 919-515-1331
Edward A. Stern
Emeritus Prof. of Physics
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195
Phone: 206-543-2023
Farrel W. Lytle
The EXAFS Company
Pioche, NV 89043-9504
Phone: 775-962-5219