32nd Annual SSRL Users’ Meeting, Menlo Park, CA, USA
October 15 - 19, 2005

Joy Andrews, CSUEB & Clyde Smith, SSRL (Meeting Co-Chairs)

Pre-register for the 32nd Annual SSRL Users' Meeting and Workshops (SSRL32) by October 7th. Only walk-in registration will be accepted after October 7th.

SSRL32 will feature sessions on x-ray absorption spectroscopy, structural genomics, ultrafast science, a sampling of materials research from other DOE Labs, a young investigators session, and reports on new developments at SSRL (including a discussion of top off injection). Four workshops are offered in conjunction with this annual meeting: 1) Advances in X-ray Scattering/Diffraction Studies on Non-Crystalline Biological Systems, 2) The Role of Small-Angle X-ray Scattering in Materials Science, 3) Soft X-Ray Science at LCLS, and 4) Remote Access for Macromolecular Crystallography Beam Lines.

Users are encouraged to share the results of experiments performed at SSRL during the poster session on October 17th. The poster session will also feature a competition for the most outstanding graduate student posters (the cost of the awards dinner is waived for graduate students submitting posters; winners receive a certificate and a $100 prize). Poster abstracts received by October 7th will be included in the program book. Late posters will be accepted during the meeting, as space is available.

The recipients of the annual Lytle and Spicer awards will be announced at the awards dinner on October 17th. Two additional memorial awards/fellowships are announced in conjunction with this annual meeting: the Melvin P. Klein Scientific Development Award and the Dale E. Sayers Fellowship at North Carolina State University.

Cast your ballot by 12 noon (PST) on October 17th to vote for candidates to serve on the 2005-2006 SSRL Users' Organization Executive Committee (SSRLUOEC). http://www-conf.slac.stanford.edu/ssrl/2005/default.asp

The newly elected members will join with the current SSRLUOEC members and other interested users and staff for an SSRLUOEC meeting on October 18th, 3-5:30 pm (Bldg. 40 - Orange Conference Room, immediately follow the annual users' meeting). Users are also invited to a reception at the SLAC auditorium lobby on Tuesday, October 18th 5:30-7:30 pm. Additional information on the SSRLUOEC, including notes from previous meetings are posted at: http://www-ssrl.slac.stanford.edu/users/ssrluo/ssrluoec-mtgs.html http://www-ssrl.slac.stanford.edu/users/ssrluo/ssrluoec-mtgs.html