The Role of Small-Angle X-ray Scattering in Materials Science

Chairs: M. Toney, J. Pople
Admin Contact: Jackie Robleto
Wed. Oct. 19th 9am - 5pm   
Location: SLAC Bldg. 40, Orange Conference Room

This will be a hands on workshop with intent to demonstrate the burgeoning applicability of small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) resulting from the expansion of research and development on the nanoscale. The day will begin with presentations, briefly showing the techniques involved in SAXS in Materials Science and more closely focusing on current experimental data at the forefront of research which demonstrate the power of SAXS capabilities. The presentations will be semi-formal, with questions and discussion encouraged. Attendees will then move onto the beamline floor to gain hands-on control of configuring the SAXS beamlines (Beamlines 1-4 and 4-2 will be utilized for this purpose) and collecting and analyzing data. New software recently developed for data analysis with be demonstrated. This practical aspect of the workshop will highlight both the techniques involved in SAXS data collection, reduction and analysis as well as identifying the limitations of existing beamline facilities. A final presentation will outline suggestions for a new Materials Science beamline at SSRL which can overcome those limitations and advance the capabilities that SSRL is can provide to the Materials Science community.

Organizers: Mike Toney, John Pople (SSRL)

Confirmed speakers:

  • Ben Gilbert (UC Berkeley)
  • Enrique Gomez (US Berkeley)
  • Rachel Kurtz (Stanford University)
  • Harry Li (San Jose State Univeristy)
  • John Pople (SSRL)
  • Erik Richman (UCLA)
  • Mike Toney (SSRL)

08:30 Registration/Light Refreshments
09:00Welcome/Introductory Remarks/What we want to accomplish - John Pople/Mike Toney (SSRL) (10 minutes)
09:15 Particle-particle interactions and cluster formation of iron oxide nanoparticles in aqueous solution - Ben Gilbert (UC Berkeley) (25 min.)
09:45 Alignment of Ordered Mesoporous Self Assembled Materials Out of the Substrate Plane. - Erik Richman & Sarah Tolbert (UCLA) (25 min.):
10:15Break – Group photo inside the meeting room
10:45Rheology and Structure of Straight-Chain and Branched Fatty Alcohol Mixtures at an Air/Water Interface - Rachel Kurtz (Stanford) (25 min.)
11:15 Software for pore/particle morphology analysis from SAXS data - Harry Li (San Jose State Univeristy) (25 min.)
11:35 Effect of Cross-linking on the Structure and Thermodynamics of Lamellar Block Copolymers - Enrique Gomez
12:05 lunch under tent outside cafeteria
13:15 Experimental SAXS Introduction – John Pople (SSRL)
13:45 Demonstration at Beam Lines
16:00 New Beam Line Discussion (Mike Toney & John Pople)