Tues. Oct. 18th 3-5 pm, Wed. Oct. 19th 8am-5pm

Soft X-Ray Science at LCLS

Chairs: Jan Lüning, Anders Nilsson, Jo Stöhr
Admin Contact: Michelle Montalvo
Location: SLAC ROB Bldg. 48, Redwood Conference Rooms C/D

This workshop is aimed at the formation of a user community with a common interest in ultrafast and ultrabright soft x-ray pulses from a free electron laser like LCLS. The workshop will bring together scientists interested in developing new techniques and tools tailored for experiments relying on ultrafast soft x-ray laser pulses with scientists interested in utilizing the unique properties of such soft x-ray pulses for their research. The workshop will start with a series of invited talks that will give an overview about soft x-ray laser sources and techniques currently available or under development as well as about first performed and currently planned or envisioned experiments utilizing soft x-ray laser pulses. In order to provide an environment for intense discussion, all participants are encouraged to contribute to the workshop. To contribute to the workshop, please send a title to luning@slac.stanford.edu and let us know how much time you would like to have reserved for you contribution. In addition to contributed talks there will also be time reserved for ‘walk-in’ presentations.

Confirmed Speakers:

  • Wolfgang Eberhardt (BESSY): "Science at a Soft X-ray FEL"
  • Alexander Föhlisch (HASYLAB): "Towards novel soft X-ray spectroscopic tools: perspectives and first results"
  • Jerry Hastings (SSRL): "LCLS's Present Plans for Soft X-ray Science"
  • Jan Lüning (SSRL): "Ultrafast Imaging"
  • Anders Nilsson (SSRL): "Ultrafast Dynamics in Surface Science"
  • Denis Nordlund (SSRL): "The Space Charging Challenge in Photoelectron Spectroscopy"
  • Joseph Nordgren (Uppsala U.): "Opportunities for RIXS at Soft X-ray FEL"
  • George Sawatzky (UBC Vancouver): "Resonant scattering of soft x-ray laser pulses on corrleated electron systems"
  • Jo Stöhr (SSRL): "Challenges in Ultrafast Magnetism"
  • Philippe Wernet (BESSY): "Ultrafast Soft X-rays to Resolve Bonding, Structure and Dynamics in Molecular Systems"

Tuesday Oct 18
14:30End of SSRL Users’ Meeting
15:00J.Stöhr: Welcome
15:15W.Eberhardt (BESSY): "Science at a Soft X-ray FEL"
16:15J.Hastings (SSRL): "LCLS’s Present Plans for Soft X-ray Science"
Wednesday Oct 19
9:00J.Nordgren (Uppsala U.): "Opportunities for RIXS at a Soft X-ray FEL"
9:50G.Sawatzky (UBC Vancouver): “Resonant scattering of soft x-ray laser pulses on correlated electron systems”
11:10P.Wernet (BESSY): "Ultrafast Soft X-rays to Resolve Bonding, Structure and Dynamics in Molecular Systems"
13:00A.Föhlisch (HASYLAB): "Towards novel soft X-ray spectroscopic tools: Perspectives and First Results”
13:50A.Nilsson (SSRL): "Ultrafast Dynamics in Surface Science"
15:00J.Stöhr (SSRL): "Challenges in Ultrafast Magnetism"
15:40J.Lüning (SSRL): "Ultrafast Imaging"
17:00Workshop closing