Clean Up Work Areas

Keep a Clean Work Area

While at SSRL, staff and users are expected to keep all work areas NEAT and ORDERLY and to CLEAN UP work areas before leaving. Failure to meet these requirements can impact the ability of user proposal teams from accessing our facilities in the future.

General Cleaning Requirements

Subcontractor janitorial services perform nightly and targeted daily sanitizing of bathrooms, breakrooms, and doorknobs of common areas. They also perform targeted daytime cleaning and disinfection of common use areas.

  • SLAC employees shall regularly clean frequently touched surfaces. Areas such as doorknobs, tabletops, counters, shared phones, shared keyboards/mice, and shared hand tools must be cleaned at least every time the user changes or the shift ends. SLAC Clean-As-You-Go, Rev 5 Published: 6/12/20 Page 2 of 2
  • For areas not sanitized by janitorial subcontractors, SLAC employees should use disinfectants / sanitizers in Clean-As-You-Go activities
  • Wear disposable gloves and eye protection if using bleach solutions
  • Ensure adequate ventilation when using any sanitizer or disinfectant
  • If using a spray disinfectant DO NOT spray products directly onto surfaces. Spray onto a paper towel and clean with the wetted paper towel. Follow disinfectant label for required contact time.
  • Individuals should clean all common touch surfaces in shared areas such as kitchen and break rooms before and after they touch such surfaces
  • All employees shall wash their hands when they are done cleaning surfaces
  • Cleaning waste can be disposed of in regular trashcans
  • For information on getting cleaning supplies contact your ESH Coordinator. The ESH Coordinaor should follow the CAYG Work Request Procedure to get supplies from F&O.

Research Area Setting (Lab or Hutch, etc.)

  • Use same general cleaning and waste disposal methods described above as appropriate for equipment in individual labs
  • Shared surfaces to clean in a lab might include equipment panels/switches, benchtops, fume hood sashes and working spaces, commonly used hand tools and small objects such as pipettors, and shared 

    (such as laser goggles) Note: Take care in choosing appropriate sanitizer  for optical equipment to avoid  damaging them

Facilities Operations in Shops and Field

  • All general cleaning and waste disposal requirements listed above will be followed
  • Disposable gloves will be worn whenever employees need to use common tools or touch common surfaces during the course of a job
  • At the completion of jobs, all tools used during a work shift shall be cleaned
  • All utilized shop area tools and common areas will be cleaned at the end of the shift
  • Vehicle steering wheels and other common surfaces within the vehicle will be cleaned at the end of the shift