In 2016, the SSRL Users' Executive Committee (SSRL UEC) announced the creation of the Joe Wong Poster Awards.
The awards are made possible by support from long-time SSRL user Joe Wong, PhD, DSc, Fellow of the American Physical Society. "The modest gift is really a show of my appreciation towards this wonderful facility of yours, which I benefited so much from in the course of my research career."
The Poster Awards are established to promote multi-disciplinary interactions among the lightsource user community, to recognize the best poster presentations at the Annual Users' Meeting, and specifically to help students in preparing for their science careers.
The poster awards are open to users of both the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) and the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) based on research results from either facility.
- Up to 3 awards will be given to the most exciting, novel and compelling science which utilized either SSRL or LCLS as presented during the poster competition session.
- The poster competition will be judged by a panel comprised of the Users' Conference Organizing Committee, SSRL Users' Executive Committee (SSRL UEC), LCLS Users' Executive Committee (LCLS UEC) and help from SSRL/LCLS scientists to ensure that broad research areas are covered.
- Judges may develop their own criteria, but in general it will consist of asking poster presenters to give a concise summary of their poster (3-4 minutes). Judges may confer and select a small group of ‘finalists’ that will be asked to also present to the other judges, typically for a shorter time.
- Awards will be announced at the conclusion of the users' meeting (certificates will be provided at a later date).
These awards are planned:
- $500 award for the best poster presentation by an undergraduate or graduate student (BS, MS or PhD student user). It is hoped that the peer recognition of the student's outstanding accomplishments will help the recipient’s application for either graduate school, postdoctoral position or employment in their chosen scientific field.
- $250 awards for up to two selected poster presenters at any stage of their research career and in any field.
► Congratulations to the recipients of the 2024 Joe Wong Outstanding Poster Award Competition presented at the SSRL/LCLS Annual Users' Meeting on September 27, 2024 (and thank you to the SSRL and LCLS UEC Judges)!
- Aria Duncan, poster #15 Stanford University, "Protecting future rice production from climate change and soil arsenic"
- Kejun Xu, poster #78 Stanford University, "Anomalous normal state gap in underdoped n-type cuprates"
- Hannah Holmes, poster #26 Stanford University, "Investigating the Mechanisms Driving Selective Phosphate Recovery from Wastewater using Hybrid Anion Exchange Resins"
► Congratulations to the recipients of the 2023 Joe Wong Outstanding Poster Award Competition presented at the SSRL/LCLS Annual Users' Meeting on September 27, 2023 (and thank you to the SSRL and LCLS UEC Judges)!
- Jenna Vesey, Ramapo College of New Jersey: BIO-8: Separating Single-particle XFEL Data by Machine Learning
- Mukul Sonker, Arizona State University: BIO-4: Time-Resolved Structure Elucidation Enabled by 3D-Printed Droplet Microfluidics for Reduced Sample Consumption during Serial Femtosecond Crystallography
- Alfred Zong, UC Berkeley/Stanford University: MAT-1: Spin-shear Coupling in 2D Antiferromagnets: Amplified Oscillators and Dynamical Criticality
►Congratulations to the recipients of the 2022 Joe Wong Outstanding Poster Award Competition presented at the SSRL/LCLS Annual Users' Meeting on September 29, 2022 (and thank you to the SSRL and LCLS UEC Judges)!
- Fatma Betul Ertem, Koc University, A-3: X-ray Crystallography and AlphaFold Reveal the structure of Acetyl-CoA carboxylase from N. maritimus
- Maya Engel, Stanford University, C-3: Unique Fe-rich Colloids from Slate River Floodplain
- Anudeep Mangu, Stanford University, D-3: Dynamics of a Light-Induced Phase Transformation Probed by Single-Shot X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy at LCLS
► Congratulations to the recipients of the 2021 Joe Wong Outstanding Poster Award Competition presented at the SSRL/LCLS Annual Users' Meeting on September 24, 2021 (and thank you to the SSRL and LCLS UEC Judges)!
- Lindsey Backman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. A-14: Structural Characterization of a Hydroxyproline Dehydratase from Clostridioides difficile
- Lorena Shannon Grundy, University of California Berkeley, USA. D-8: Distortion of Lamellae in a Block Copolymer Electrolyte under Polarization
- Ebru Destan, KOC University, Turkey. A-2: Bifunctional Thaumarchaeal Crotonyl-CoA Hydratase and 3-Hydroxypropionyl-CoA Dehydratase from Nitrosopumilus maritimus
► Congratulations to the recipients of the 2020 Joe Wong Outstanding Poster Award Competition presented at the SSRL/LCLS Annual Users' Meeting on September 30, 2020 (and thank you to the SSRL and LCLS UEC Judges)!
- Tiffany Slater, University College Cork, Ireland. D-5: Fossil feathers: testing their biochemical fidelity using a spectroscopic approach
- Adrien Descamps, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA. D-12: Direct temperature measurement of shock compressed Argon using the LCLS
- Mia Lahey-Rudolph, Lübeck University, Germany. A-16: Fixed-target serial femtosecond crystallography using micro crystals grown in living insect cells
► Congratulations to the recipients of the 2019 Joe Wong Outstanding Poster Award Competition presented at the SSRL/LCLS Annual Users' Meeting on September 27, 2019 (and thank you to the SSRL and LCLS UEC Judges)!
- Elyse Schriber, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA: Advances in Structure and Property Determination or High-throughput Materials Discovery Using XFELs
- Aditya Sood, Stanford University, USA: Time-resolved Dynamics of the Electrically-triggered Phase Transition in VO2 Probed Using MeV-UED
- Kelly Summers, University of Saskatchewan, Canada: 8-Hydroxyquinolines in the Treatment of Cancer: A Key Role for Copper in Their Mechanism of Action
► Congratulations to the recipients of the 2018 Joe Wong Outstanding Poster Award Competition presented at the SSRL/LCLS Annual Users' Meeting on September 27, 2018
- Bor-Rong Chen, Stanford University/SLAC SSRL, USA: Understanding Crystallization Pathways of Manganese Oxide Polymorphs Formation by Using in-situ X-ray Scattering
- Valentina Rossi, University College Cork, Ireland: Synchrotron-X-ray Fluorescence of Melanosomes Reveals Soft Tissue Anatomy of Fossil Vertebrates
- Kelly Summers, University of Saskatchewan, Canada: 8-Hydroxyquinolines in the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease: Direct Interactions with the Amyloid Beta Peptide

► Congratulations to the recipients of the 2017 Joe Wong Outstanding Poster Award Competition presented at the SSRL/LCLS Annual Users' Meeting on September 28, 2017!
- Gauthier Deblonde, LBNL: Shedding Light on the Transplutonium Element (Am, Cm, Bk, Cf) Solution Chemistry Using EXAFS - Beam Line 11-2
- Izumi Ishigami, Albert Einstein College of Medicine: Crystal Structure of CO-bound Cytochrome c Oxidase Determined by Serial Femtosecond X-ray Crystallography at Room Temperature
- Ariana Peck, Stanford University: Intermolecular Correlations are Necessary to Explain Diffuse Scattering from Protein Crystals

► Congratulations to the recipients of the inaugural Joe Wong Poster Award Competition presented at the SSRL/LCLS Annual Users' Meeting October 5-7, 2016!
- Camila Bacellar, Graduate Student, University of California Berkeley/LBNL: Imaging Anisotropic Nanoplasma Dynamics in Superfluid Helium Droplets
- Fang Ren, Stanford University/SSRL Material Science Division: Identify Phases in Materials - Human or Robot?
- Anna Wise, Stanford University/SSRL Material Science Division: High Resolution Chemical Mapping of Energy-related Materials: Development of Soft X-ray Ptychography at SSRL
If you missed the poster session, you missed a great time discussing the latest science, facility and instrument developments on a lovely fall evening on the patio of the SLAC SUSB. But, there's always next year so start planning ahead ...
For more information, contact Cathy Knotts or Lisa Dunn.