Structural Molecular Biology

Illuminating Biological Structures at the Atomic and Molecular Levels


This table shows the lytle filters that the SMB-XAS group currently has (numbers in parentheses correspond to quantity). The filters are of two thicknesses: 3 and 6 absorption lengths. One absorption length is defined as (µ/ρ)ρt = 1; 3 and 6 absorption lengths thus correspond to e -3 and e-6, i.e.: 5 and 0.25% transmission, respectively. There are filters of other elements available upon request..

3 abs lengths 6 abs lengths Compound
Ti (3) Ti (2) TiO2
V (3) V (2) V2O5
Cr (4) Cr (2) Cr2O3
Mn (6) Mn (4) MnO2
Fe (2) Fe (4) Fe2O3
Co (5) Co (2) Co2O3
Ni (3) Ni (5) NiO
Cu (3) Cu (2) CuO
Cu (2) Cu (2) Cu foil
Zn (2) Zn (1) ZnO
Ga (2) Ga (3) Ga2O3
Ge (3) Ge (2) GeO2
As (4) As (2) As
Se (2) Se (2) Se
Br (1) Br (1) NaBrO4
Sr (1) Sr (2) SrB6
Zr (1) Zr (1) Zr
Mo (1) Mo (1) Mo (2-4 µm)