BL4-2 News

December 2024: Opening for Staff Scientist at BL 4-2

We have an immediate opening for a highly motivated Ph.D. scientist with a strong experimental background in physicochemical studies of biological macromolecules using synchrotron x-ray scattering techniques. We are seeking a highly self-driven individual who will be expected to play a key role in methodology and instrumentation developments, daily operation of the beam line 4-2 at SSRL. The successful candidate will join our BioSAXS team at the beam line 4-2 at SSRL to provide access to state-of-the-art experimental facilities for biological small angle x-ray scattering to our large national and international scientific user community.

April 2024: New SEC-SAXS publication from BL4-2

Our recent manuscript on the Size-Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) coupled SAXS data collection has been published. It describes some of the developments done at the BL4-2 for collecting high quality SAC-SAXS data. You can find the publication here.


September 2020: Remote Access of BL4-2

On September 2, 2020, the SSRL resumed operation after a shortened and early summer shutdown. Beam line 4-2 is again up and running, ready for your experiments. While we still cannot have users on site conducting experiments at the beam line, many of the standard experiments at BL4-2 can be accessed remotely (with staff filling in where there might be hickups), and we have successfully performed several different experiments that way since March. We also worked extensively to increase our capability for remote experimentation. So if you have a project needing some SAXS data and are not sure if it can be done remotely (or if you have any other questions about remote access to the beam line) please contact us to discuss potential protocols and procedures that could enable your research at BL4-2.


March 2020: BL4-2 Open for COVID Research

After the SSRL operation was temporarily halted on March 16, 2020 due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the synchrotron is restarting limited operation again on March 24, 2020 with only a few selected beam lines open to enable critical Covid related research. BL 4-2 will be one of those beam lines that will open up. While no users will be allowed on site, the beamline can be accessed remotely and beamline staff will fill in where necessary to get the experiment done. If you have a Covid related project that needs data to be collected at the beam line, please contact us to discuss potential protocols and procedures that could enable your for data collection.


January 2020: Remote Data Collection Workshop

The SSRL SMB team hosted a remote “X-ray Data Collection and Data Analysis SMB Workshop” in Puerto Rico during the annual NSF BioXFEL Center meeting. The workshop focused on protein crystallography, solution small angle X-ray scattering, x-ray spectroscopy and imaging. The workshop included remote access use of the synchrotron at SSRL for data collection (crystallography and solution scattering) and data analysis and modelling. Some students were able to send in their own samples (for MC and SAXS), which were then analyzed in the data analysis and modelling sessions.


December 2019: BioSAXS2019 workshop

Between December 2 - 5, 2019 the SSRL Structural Molecular Biology Group hosted a comprehensive workshop on the use and application of non-crystalline small-angle x-ray scattering and diffraction techniques to problems in structural biology research. The workshop focussed on solution x-ray scattering studies of biological macromolecules and macromolecular complexes. In a set of lectures and hands-on tutorials the workshop covered all aspects of the solution scattering experiment from the basic scattering theory and experimental planning to advanced data modelling. Specialized tutorials were held on the ATSAS software package, the integrative modelling platform (IMP) and the DENSS software. The participants were also able to collect SAXS data on samples they provided. The collected data was subsequently analyzed during the software tutorials with guidance BL4-2 staff and external experts. Congratulations to all the participants on this sucessful workshop.


October 2019: BioSAXS2019 workshop, December 2-5

We are glad to announce the BioSAXS2019, a workshop on biological small-angle X-ray scattering at Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL).
  • When: December 2-5, 2019
  • Where: SSRL, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA
  • Website: BioSAXS2019
The SSRL Structural Molecular Biology Group hosts a 4-day comprehensive workshop on the use of non-crystalline small-angle x-ray scattering and diffraction techniques in structural biology research. The workshop will focus on solution x-ray scattering studies on biological macromolecules and macromolecular complexes and cover the basic theory of small angle scattering, experimental aspects of solution scattering as well as recent applications of solution scattering in structural biology research. There will be extensive software and data analysis tutorials covering all aspects from the basic analysis of SAXS data to advanced modeling methods. Participants are encouraged to bring their own solution samples for the data collection tutorial at SSRL Beam Line 4-2. Attendance is limited so register early to save your spot.
Please check out the workshop website for more details and updated information on the workshop program and registration.

June 2019: Multi-Technique Proposal now available

The new pilot proposal mechanism for multiple techniques applied to SMB related research projects is now online and proposals can be submitted via the SSRL User Portal. The submission deadline for the first round of these proposals is July 1st, 2019 (Note: this deadline is different from the deadline for regular BioSAXS proposals).
The new proposal mechanism in this current pilot phase covers the techniques of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), macromolecular  crystallography (MC) and cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) available at SSRL. It is intended to expand the techniques covered by these proposals in its permanent phase to also include techniques available at LCLS as well as spectroscopy and imaging techniques available at SSRL. For more information please see the announcement on the SSRL webpage.


February 2019: New Multi-Technique Proposal Mechanism (Pilot)

A new Multi-Technique Proposal mechanism has been created for projects that require the use of two or more scientific techniques available at SSRL (both x-ray and electron based). The pilot proposal mechanism will initially cover Small Angle X-ray Scattering, Macromolecular Crystallography and Cryo-Electron Microscopy. A goal is to expand the mechanism in its permanent phase to include additional techniques available at LCLS and spectroscopy and imaging methods at SSRL.

The new pilot proposals will require a thorough justification for the requirement of using two or more techniques. The proposals will be reviewed by an ad hoc Proposal Review Panel comprised of members from the SSRL SMB and Cryo-EM PRPs. The new proposal template will be available June 1 and the first deadline for submission will be July 1 (Note: this is a different submission deadline than the one for regular BioSAXS proposals).

February 2019: New BL4-2 Webpage

This is the brand new home page for the SSRL beam line 4-2 and the biological small angle X-ray scattering group at SSRL. Aside for the more general introduction into the SAXS techniques and its application to structural biology the website also contains detailed information on the technical capabilities of the beam line, instructions on how to operate the equipment and the different sample environments available at BL4-2. It also contains general guidelines for users on how to best plan, prepare and perform their experiments and subsequently analyze the data to get the best possible data out of their experiments. It contains a comprehensive list of publications originating from work at BL4-2 and a changing set of highlights showcasing some of the most impresssive achievements by our users. The new webpage will be regularly updated and new information will be added as it becomes available. So check back often!