Block Allocation Group (BAG) proposals are submitted through the User Portal. Once logged into the portal select the SSRL tab and then the proposals tab. Next select Submit SSRL PX Proposal from the pulldown list. Choose the MMC Block Allocation radio button for the proposal type.
The BAG proposal form is essentially the same as the standard crystallography form that includes the required elements listed below. There is also a page at the end for disclosing any potential safety related issues. See also: Block Allocation Group Proposal
Title: Provide a concise title to describe your project.
Research Area Review Panel(s): Check the BIO panel. It is the only choice.
Experimental Stations: Select the beamline(s) that you are interested in collecting data on. Reference Macromolecular Crystallography Home page for beamline parameters
Abstract: Provide a title and brief summary of the proposal that you would be willing to share in various reports. Briefly state the scientific justification, the planned experiments, the techniques to be used, and the expected outcomes; limit to 300 words/2000 characters. The abstract can be uploaded or pasted in as text (preferred).
Proposal Description: Describe your experiments including the following information, with Specific Aims and Planned Experiments clearly explained. The Project Description must be in PDF format using 12-pt font, 1 inch margins and single spacing.
We recommend that each BAG proposal include about 6 to 12 PIs/Projects (with a limit of 16 without advance approval), ideally from 4 or fewer universities. Please contact Aina Cohen for advice before submitting if your bag has a large number of groups. Each project/PI may have a larger team associated with it. BAG Principal Investigators should work together to write a joint proposal. The research projects of each Principal Investigator who will use part of the BAG beam time allocation must be described. Please list the PI and lead contact at the top of each project. Also include a research strategy document with a paragraph or two (1 page max) that describes the background, goals and importance of each project including the need for synchrotron beam time. One image may be included for each Project. If the BAG includes new or continuing collaborations between BAG members and SSRL scientists, include this information for each BAG sub-project when applicable. The entire BAG proposal should not exceed 8 pages. Please contact Aina Cohen for advice if your bag has a large number of groups.
- Background/Significance (Provide a brief description of the current state of the chosen research area, concentrating on any gaps in current understanding that this proposal is designed to address. The significance of the research question being addressed should also be discussed. Essentially, answer the questions 'why is this research of interest?' Be clear and concise; remember that reviewers may not be precisely in your area of research.)
- Specific Aims (Itemize the particular questions you want to answer, preferably as a numbered or bulleted list. Very briefly, describe how these questions target the overall research question discussed above.)
- Planned Experiments (Preferably organized by your Specific Aims, state the experiments that you plan to perform in pursuit of the answers to your specific aims. Be explicit with samples you will examine, techniques you will employ, and results you might expect. It may be appropriate to comment on how you would respond to difficulties encountered.)
- Data Interpretation Methods (Provide a brief overview of the methods of data interpretation you intend to use and of your experience, if appropriate.)
- Need for Synchrotron Radiation and SSRL (Describe why you believe that the synchrotron radiation techniques you propose are required or desirable to pursue your specific aims. If you are familiar with SSRL beam lines, specify which beam line(s) you want to use for your experiments and why; estimate how much beam time will be required, preferably organized by your Specific Aims.)
- References (Provide references to related work, including work demonstrating characterization by more conventional methods.)
Crystals: Provide information (if known) in the fields provided for sample, size, molecular weight, space group, cell dimensions, maximum resolution, temperature, NCS, Wavelength, anom. scattering element, anom. sites/molecule. Crystal information can also be included in the project description.
Research Team: List main contact as spokesperson, all known collaborators at time of submission, principal investigators and lead contacts. The proposal beam time allocation is related to the proposed project rating and number of researchers involved. To be considered, all project PIs and project team members should be registered in the SSRL User Portal (link), and then connected to the proposal during the online submission.
Scientific Area: Check boxes as applicable.
Funding Sources: Check boxes as applicable.
Answer Yes or No to questions asking if project is covid-related, LCLS-related or contains transition metals.
Scheduling Information: Answer questions indicating if you are new to the use of synchrotron radiation, if training would be helpful or if performing proprietary research (should be no under BAG policy).