In superconducting materials, electron clouds can align into a specific order termed nematicity, a word taken from a root meaning string-like and previously used for alignment of molecules in liquid crystal displays (LCDs). Most iron-based high temperature superconductors (FeSCs) exhibit nematic order and magnetic order in conjunction with superconducting behavior. Iron selenide (FeSe) is a type of FeSC material that obtains nematic but not magnetic alignment prior to reaching the superconducting state. This provides an excellent opportunity to disentangle the contribution of these two orders that usually emerge simultaneously. Studies of FeSe have faced the challenge that FeSe crystals break into orthogonally-oriented domains at the onset of nematic order, a process called twinning. A team of researchers has found a way to detwin FeSe crystals to examine the nematic state to gain a deeper understanding of how it affects superconductivity.
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