The World According to X-ray Scatterers Revisited

Wednesday, May 14, 2014 - 3:00pm

Speaker: Jerry Hastings, LCLS

Program Description

In 1987 I gave a talk at Brookhaven National Laboratory titled “The World According to X-ray Scatterers”.  I will look back at that time and see how the world has changed with developments of accelerator based x-ray sources . In particular, in 1987 the third generation hard x-rays sources were still under construction and the science opportunities were in front of us.  The role of coherence was not fully appreciated and the time dependent scattering under consideration was in the nanosecond range.  Those views of the future however are a good guide to where we might look for new science opportunities in the next 5-10 years with a look toward the future with high repetition rate free electron lasers and near diffraction limited storage rings.

The World According to X-ray Scatterers Revisited
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