Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource
2575 Sand Hill Road MS 69
Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA
Tel 650-926-4285 sends e-mail)
2575 Sand Hill Road MS 69
Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA
Tel 650-926-4285 sends e-mail)
Research/Professional Focus
- Research collaborations with international scientific teams, including industry, for nanoscale and microscale analysis of energy materials including batteries and catalysts. Correlate nanostructure (including porosity) and chemical state ex situ, in situ and in operando. Techniques include X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), scanning X-ray fluorescence, X-dray diffraction and full field hard X-ray transmission microscopy.
- Lead world-class full field Transmission X-ray Microscopy (TXM) program at SSRLat SSRL BL6-2/SLAC, developing unique capabilities for characterizing chemistry and materials science during operation (operando) of batteries, catalysts and other materials. Mesoscale approach to examine nanoscale heterogeneities that contribute to function and failure.
- Coordinate multidisciplinary teams for optimization of "operando" science; including data management, software, experimental design, novel sample environments, multi-modal data collection.
- Writing, editing, reviewing and publishing of scientific papers and proposals.
- Presentations and workshops at international conferences, synchrotron facilities and industry on: catalysis, energy, microscopy, and X-ray science for energy applications.
Professional Preparation
Postdoctoral Researcher, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | 1995-1996 |
University of California Berkeley, Physical Chemistry | Ph.D. 1995 |
California State University East Bay, Chemistry | M.S. |
Barnard College (Columbia University), Biochemistry | B.A. |
2008-present | Staff Scientist, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource |
2010-present | Professor Emerita, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, CSU East Bay, CA |
2005-2009 | Full Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, CSU East Bay, CA |
2006-2007 | Graduate Coordinator, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, CSU East Bay, CA |
2002-2005 | Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, CSU East Bay, CA |
1996-2002 | Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, CSU East Bay, CA |
Highlighted Professional Activities and Awards
- DOE Women @ Energy, is external)
- UC Berkeley University Fellowship 1989-1992
- Awardee, CSU Doctoral Incentive Program 1989-92
- Outstanding Graduate Instructor Award UC Berkeley 1989
- Chair, SSRL Users Executive Committee (2005-2006)
- Chair, Synchrotron and Neutron Users Group (SNUG; is external)) (2005-2008) Science advocacy, presenting science for non-scientists
- Member, American Chemical Society (1989-Present), Materials Research Society (2003-present), Electrochemical Society (2012-present), North American Catalysis Society (2013-present)
- ”Formation of iron melt network in silicate perovskite at Earth’s lower mantle conditions”, CY Shi, L Zhang, W Yang, Y Liu, J Wang, Y Meng, JC Andrews, WL Mao (2013) Nature Geosci, 6: 971-975
- “Hard X-ray Spectroscopic Nano-Imaging of Hierarchical Functional Materials at Work”, JC Andrews, BM Weckhuysen (2013) ChemPhysChem, 14: 3655-3666
- “Study on Synthesis-Microstructure-Performance Relation of Layered Li-Excess Nickel-Manganese Oxide as Li-Ion Battery Cathode Prepared by High-Temperature Calcination “ WC Chen,YF Song, CC Wang, Y Liu, DT Morris, PA Pianetta, JC Andrews, HC Wu, NL Wu (2013) J Mater Chem A, 1: 10847-10856
- “Full-field XANES analysis of Roman ceramics to estimate firing conditions - a novel probe to study hierarchical heterogeneous materials”, F Meirer, Y Liu, E Pouyet, B Fayard, M Cotte, C Sanchez, JC Andrews, A Mehta, P Sciau (2013) J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 28: 1870-1883
- “The Plastic Nature of a Human Bone-Periodontal Ligament-Tooth Fibrous Joint”, SP Ho; MP Kurylo; K Grandfield; J Hurng; RP Herber; D Curtis; MI Ryder; V Altoe; S Aloni; J Feng; S Webb; GW Marshall; JC Andrews; P Pianetta (2013) Bone, 57: 455-467
- “Recent advances in synchrotron-based hard X-ray phase contrast imaging” Y Liu, J Nelson, C Holzner, JC Andrews, P Pianetta (2014) J Phys D, in press
- “X-ray Nanoscopy of Cobalt Fischer-Tropsch Catalysts at Work” KH Cats, I D Gonzalez-Jimenez, Y Liu, J Nelson, D van Campen, F Meirer, AMJ van der Eerden, FMF de Groot, JC Andrews, BM Weckhuysen (2013) Chem Commun 49: 4622-4624
- "Mesoscale phase distribution in single particles of LiFePO4 following lithium deintercalation" U Boesenberg, F Meirer, Y Liu, R Dell’Anna, AK Shukla, T Tyliszczak, G Chen, JC Andrews, TJ Richardson, R Kostecki, J Cabana (2013) Chem Mater 25: 1664-1672
- “Three-dimensional microstructural mapping of poisoning phases in the Neodymium Nickelate solid oxide fuel cell cathode” WM Harris, JJ Lombardo, MB DeGostin, GJ Nelson, H Luebbe, JA Schuler, J van Herle, JC Andrews, Y Liu, P Pianetta, YK Chen, J Wang, WKS Chiu (2013) Solid State Ion 237: 16-21
- “In Situ Synchrotron X-ray Fluorescence Mapping and Speciation of CeO2 and ZnO Nanoparticles in Soil Cultivated Soybean (Glycine max) JA Hernandez-Viezcas, Hiram Castillo-Michel, JC Andrews, M Cotte, C Rico, JR Peralta-Videa, Y Ge, JH Priester, PA Holden, JL Gardea-Torresdey (2013) ACS Nano 7: 1415-1423
- “Mercury Localization and Speciation in Plants Grown Hydroponically or in a Natural Environment” S Carrasco-Gil, H Siebner, DL LeDuc, S Webb, R Millán, JC Andrews, LE Hernández (2013) Environ Sci Technol 47: 3082-3090
- “Nanoscale Examination of Microdamage in Sheep Cortical Bone Using Synchrotron Radiation Transmission X-Ray Microscopy” GR Brock, G Kim, AR Ingraffea, JC Andrews, P Pianetta, MCH van der Meulen (2013) PLoS ONE 8: e57942
- “3D Nanoscale Chemical Imaging of the Distribution of Aluminum Coordination Environments in Zeolites with Soft X-Ray Microscopy” LR Aramburo, Y Liu, T Tyliszczak, FMF de Groot, JC Andrews, BM Weckhuysen (2013) Chem Phys Chem 14: 496-499
- “Hard X-ray Nanotomography of Catalytic Solids at Work” I Gonzalez-Jiminez, K Cats, T Davidian, M Ruitenbeek, F Meirer, Y Liu, J Nelson, JC Andrews, P Pianetta, FMF de Groot, BM Weckhuysen (2012) Angew Chem Int Ed 51: 11986-11990
- “In Operando X-ray Diffraction and Transmission X-ray Microscopy of Lithium Sulfur Batteries” J Nelson, S Misra, Y Yang, A Jackson, Y Liu, H Wang, H Dai, JC Andrews, Y Cui, MF Toney (2012) J Am Chem Soc 134: 6337-6343
- “Imaging translocation and transformation of bioavailable selenium by Stanleya pinnata with X-ray microscopy” W Amos, S Webb, Y Liu, JC Andrews*, DL LeDuc (2012) Anal Bioanal Chem 404: 1277-1285
- “3D Elemental sensitive imaging using transmission X-ray microscopy” Y Liu, F Meirer, J Wang, G Requena, P Williams, J Nelson, A Mehta, JC Andrews*, P Pianetta (2012) Anal Bioanal Chem 404: 1297-1301
- “Extended depth of focus for Transmission X-ray Microscope” by Y Liu, J Wang, Y Hong, Z Wang, K Zhang, PA Williams, P Zhu, JC Andrews, P Pianetta, Z Wu (2012) Optics Express 37: 3708-3710
- „TXM-Wizard: a program for advanced data collection and evaluation in full-field transmission X-ray microscopy”, Y Liu, F Meirer, PA Williams, J Wang, JC Andrews*, P Pianetta (2012) J Synchr Rad 19: 281-287
- “3D imaging of chemical phase transformations at the nanoscale with full field transmission X-ray microscopy”, F Meirer, J Cabana, Y Liu, A Mehta, JC Andrews, P Pianetta (2011) J Synchr Rad 18: 773-781
- “Phase Retrieval using polychromatic illumination for Transmission X-ray Microscopy”, Y Liu, JC Andrews, J Wang, F Meirer, P Zhu, Z Wu, P Pianetta (2011) Optics Express 19: 540-545
- "Three Dimensional Mapping of Nickel Oxidation States using Full Field X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure Nanotomography", GJ Nelson, WM Harris, JR Izzo, Jr., KN Grew, WKS Chiu, YS Chu, J Yi, JC Andrews, Y Liu, P Pianetta (2011) Appl Phys Lett 98: 173109
- "Comparison of SOFC Cathode Microstructure Quantified using Xray Nanotomography and Focused Ion Beam Scanning", GJ Nelson, WM Harris, JJ Lombardo, JR Izzo, Jr., WKS Chiu, P Tanasini, M Cantoni, J van Herle, C Comninellis, JC Andrews, Y Liu, P Pianetta, YS Chu (2011) Electrochem. Commun. 13: 586-589
- “Complexation of Hg with phytochelatins is important for plant Hg tolerance”, S Carrasco-Gil, A Alvarez-Fernandez, J Sobrino-Plata, R Millan, RO Carpena-Ruiz, DL LeDuc, JC Andrews, J Abadia, LE Hernandez (2011) Plant Cell Environ 34: 778-791
- “Transmission X-ray microscopy for full-field nano-imaging of biomaterials”, JC Andrews, F Meirer, Y Liu, P Pianetta (2011) Microsc Res Tech 74: 671-681
- "Arsenic localization, speciation, and co-occurrence with iron on rice (Oryza sativa L.) roots", AL Seyfferth, SE Webb, JC Andrews, S Fendorf (2010) Environ Sci Technol 44: 8108-8113
- Nanoscale X-ray Microscopic Imaging of Mammalian Mineralized Tissue”, JC Andrews, E Almeida, MCH van der Meulen, JS Alwood, C Lee, Y Liu, J Chen, F Meirer, M Feser, J Gelb, J Rudati, A Tkachuk, W Yun, P Pianetta (2010) J Microsc Microanal 16: 327-336
- “3D nanoscale imaging of the yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, by full-field transmission x-ray microscopy at 5.4 keV”, J Chen, Y Yang, X Zhang, JC Andrews, P Pianetta, Y Guan, G Liu, Y Xiong, Z Wu, Y Tian (2010) Anal Bioanal Chem 397: 2117-2121
- “Using X-ray Microscopy and Hg L3 XANES to study Hg Binding in the Rhizosphere of Spartina Cordgrass”, C Patty, B Barnett, B Mooney, A Kahn, S Levy, Y Liu, P Pianetta, JC Andrews (2009) Environ Sci Technol 43: 7397-7402
- “Hg L3 XANES Study of Mercury Methylation in Shredded Eichhornia crassipes”, M Rajan, J Darrow, M Hua, B Barnett, M Mendoza, BK Greenfield and JC Andrews (2008) Environ Sci Technol 42: 5568-5573
- “Mechanical Shredding of Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes): Effects on Water Quality in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, California”, B Greenfield, G S Siemering, JC Andrews, M Rajan, SP Andrews Jr., DF Spencer (2007) Estuaries Coasts 30: 627-640
- “Mercury Speciation in the Environment Using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy”, JC Andrews (2006) Struc Bond 120: 1-35
- “Mercury L3 and Sulfur K-edge studies of Hg-bound thiacrowns and back-extracting agents used in mercury remediation”, K Ito, AT Ta, DB Bishop, AJ Nelson, JG Reynolds, JC Andrews (2005) Microchem. J 81: 3-11
- “X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Thiacrown Complexes Used in the Remediation of Mercury Contaminated Water”, DB Bishop, G D McCool, AJ Nelson, JG Reynolds, TF Baumann, GA Fox, JG DeWitt, JC Andrews (2002) Microchem J 71: 247-254
- “An X-ray Absorption Spectroscopic Investigation of the Nature of the Zinc Complex Accumulated in Datura innoxia Plant Tissue Culture”, RA Kelly, JC Andrews, JG DeWitt (2002) Microchem J 71: 231-245
- “Field, Laboratory and X-ray Absorption Spectroscopic Studies of Mercury Accumulation by Water Hyacinths”, SG Riddle, HH Tran, JG DeWitt, JC Andrews (2002) Environ Sci Technol 36: 1965-1970
- “Chlorine K-edge X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy as a probe of Chlorine-Manganese Bonding: Model Systems with Relevance to the Oxygen Evolving Complex in Photosystem II", A Rompel, JC Andrews, RM Cinco, MW Wemple, G Christou, NA Law, VL Pecoraro, K Sauer, VK Yachandra, MP Klein (1997) J Am Chem Soc 119: 4465-4470
- “Oxidation State Changes of the Manganese Cluster in the Flash-induced S-states in Photosystem II”, TA Roelofs, W Liang, MJ Latimer, R Cinco, A Rompel, JC Andrews, VK Yachandra, K Sauer, MP Klein (1996) Proc Nat Acad Sci 93: 3335-3340
- “Photosynthetic Water Oxidation: Structural Insights to the Catalytic Manganese Complex”, JC Andrews, R Cinco, H Dau, MJ Latimer, W Liang, TA Roelofs, A Rompel, K Sauer, VK Yachandra, MP Klein (1995) Physica B 209: 657-659
- “A Structural Model for the Photosynthetic Oxygen-Evolving Manganese Cluster”, JC Andrews, H Dau, MJ Latimer, W Liang, TA Roelofs, A Rompel, K Sauer, VK Yachandra, MP Klein (1995) J Inorg Biochem 59: 611
- “Structural Consequences of Ammonia Binding to the Manganese Center of the Photosynthetic Oxygen Evolving Complex: An X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Study on Isotropic and Oriented Photosystem II Particles”, H Dau, JC Andrews, TA Roelofs, MJ Latimer, W Liang, K Sauer, MP Klein (1995) Biochemistry 34: 5274-5287
- “Orientation of the Oxygen-Evolving Manganese Complex in a Photosystem II Membrane Preparation: An X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Study”, I Mukerji, JC Andrews, VJ DeRose, MJ Latimer, VK Yachandra, K Sauer , MP Klein (1994) Biochemistry 33: 9712
- Conference Proceedings
- “3D Imaging of Nickel Oxidation States using Full Field X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure Nanotomography” GJ Nelson, WM Harris, JR Izzo Jr, KN Grew, WKS Chiu, YS Chu, J Yi, JC Andrews, Y Liu, P Pianetta (2011) ECS Transactions 35: 1315-1321.
- “Applications of hard X-ray full-field transmission X-ray microscopy at SSRL”, Y Liu, JC Andrews, F Meirer, A Mehta, S Carrasco Gil, P Sciau, A Mester, P Pianetta (2011) AIP Conference Proceedings 1365: 357-360. XRM 2010 Conference Proceedings.
- "Hard X-ray Full Field Nano-imaging of Bone and Nanowires at SSRL", JC Andrews, P Pianetta, F Meirer, J Chen, E Almeida, MCH van der Meulen, JS Alwood, C Lee, J Zhu, Y Cui (2010) SRI Conf. Proceedings, J Physics 1234:79-82.
- “Full-field transmission x-ray microscopy at SSRL”, JC Andrews, S Brennan, P Pianetta, H Ishii, J Gelb, M Feser, J Rudati, A Tkachuk, W Yun (2009) J Phys Conf Series 186: 012081.
- “Full-field transmission x-ray microscopy for bio-imaging”, JC Andrews*, S Brennan, Y Liu, P Pianetta, EAC Almeida, MCH van der Meulen, Z Wu, Z Mester, L Ouerdane, J Gelb, M Feser, J Rudati, A Tkachuk, W Yun (2009) J Phys Conf Series 186: 012002.
- “Field, Lab and X-ray Absorption Spectroscopic Studies of Mercury Absorbed by Water Hyacinths”, JC Andrews, SG Riddle, HH Tran, C Kitting, JG DeWitt (2001) ACS Div Environ Chem Preprints Ext Abstracts 41: 452-457.
Books / Chapters/ Reports
- “The Chemistry of Water”, S. Kegley & JC Andrews (1997) University Science Books, Sausalito, CA.
- “Recent Advances Toward a Structural Model for the Photosynthetic Oxygen-Evolving Manganese Cluster”, M J Latimer, H Dau, W Liang, JC Andrews, T A Roelofs, R M Cinco, A Rompel, K Sauer, V K Yachandra, M P Klein (1996) In: Applications of Synchrotron Radiation in Industrial, Chemical and Materials Science (Eds. L. Terminello, K. L. D’Aminco, D. Shuh.) Plenum, New York, p 141-148.
- “A High Resolution, Hard X-ray Bio-imaging Facility at SSRL”, JC Andrews*, S Brennan, C Patty, K Leuning, P Pianetta, E Almeida, MCH van der Meulen, M Feser, J Gelb, J Rudati, A Tkachuk, WB Yun (2008) Synchr Radiat News 21: 17-26.
- “Aquatic Pesticide Monitoring Program Nonchemical Alternatives Year 3 Final Report”, BK Greenfield, N David, GS Siemering, TP McNabb, DS Spencer, SP Andrews, JC Andrews, M Rajan, V Howard, M Sytsma, S Earnshaw, LWJ Anderson (2005) APMP Technical Report Contribution 390. San Francisco Estuary Institute, Oakland, CA.
- “Uptake of Mercury from Roots to Shoots of Eichhornia crassipes studied with Hg L3 XAS”, SG Riddle, HH Tran, JG DeWitt, JC Andrews (1999) Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory Activity Report.
- “Nickel Speciation in Datura innoxia: A XANES Study”, E Cooper, JC Andrews and JG DeWitt (1999) SSRL Activity Report.
- “Changes in Nickel and Lead Speciation Upon Accumulation by Metal Tolerant Datura Innoxia Plant Tissue Culture”, E Cooper, D Hjulberg, J Villal, JC Andrews and JG DeWitt (1997) SSRL Activity Report.