Yb:YAG thin disk amplifiers - aiming for peak powers beyond the GW level based on industry ready technology

Wednesday, January 25, 2017 - 3:00pm

Speaker: Jörg Neuhaus, Dausinger Giesen GmbH

Program Description

We present an overview of Yb:YAG regenerative thin-disk amplifiers with GW-level peak powers uniquely adapted to the final application in terms of output characteristics and/or variability. Such includes, for example, a regenerative amplifier generating in parallel seed pulses (350 fs, 1 mJ) and pump pulses (2.7 ps, 10 mJ) for optical parametric amplification (OPCPA) from just one disk. Furthermore, in order to obtain GW-level peak powers, we highlight different challenges, such as overcoming the gain filtering barrier with pulse durations of < 200 fs and/or chirped pulse amplification techniques in combination with sophisticated linear amplifier designs with pulse energies of several hundred milli-Joule.

Yb:YAG thin disk amplifiers - aiming for peak powers beyond the GW level based on industry ready technology
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