A New Center for Organic Electronics at Masdar Institute

Friday, August 2, 2013 - 10:00am

Presented by Samuele Lilliu
Masdar Institute is a graduate level, research-oriented university, which is focused on alternative energy, sustainability, and the environment. It is located in Masdar City in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

The project here outlined focuses on improving the performance of organic/hybrid bulk heterojunction (BHJ) photodetectors, both solar cells (OPVs) and photodiodes (OPDs). The program involves several professors at Masdar Institute with diverse background. It exploits collaborations with several academic institutions and companies. The project has unofficially started in the late 2012 under the direction of Dr. Samuele Lilliu. The first BHJ organic solar cells in the UAE have been entirely fabricated by using Masdar Institute cleanroom facilities in May 2013. Several students have been trained, and are currently conducting master thesis projects on OPVs/OPDs.

Masdar Institute has been granted access to two synchrotron research facilities for the first time for the investigation of plasmon enhanced bulk-heterojunction thin films used in the fabrication of OPVs/OPDs. Details on synchrotron investigation will be briefly discussed.

Strong emphasis will be put towards creating a viable path for future profit for UAE out of the academic research done at Masdar Institute, by setting up a Masdar Institute startup based in Masdar City, which would transfer prototypes into final products: (i) inkjet-printed organic solar cells with advanced aesthetic characteristics, such as different colors and design for portable electronics and building integrated photovoltaic (ii) large area detectors with potential applications in the medical, security and entertainment industry.

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