SLAC, B53-3036 Mammoth Conference Room
Pizza will be in B57- Breakroom 2nd Fl
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Speaker: Dr. Ruaridh Forbes
Program Description
The invention of free-electron lasers capable of producing intense pulses of short wavelength light has enabled new time-resolved studies into photodynamics in a site-selective manner. By choosing a suitable photon energy, photoabsorption can be highly localized at an individual atomic orbital within a molecule. My talk will focus on a series of investigations into ultrafast processes using site-selective soft x-ray ionization and how these novel techniques offer unique information of phenomena like charge transfer and non-adiabatic coupling in polyatomic molecules. The talk will conclude with new opportunities to extend these techniques to understand the evolving molecular structures via correlation analysis.
*This event is a Pulse Pizza Photon Science Seminar Series. Pizza will be available before the seminar at 1:30pm in B57- 2nd Fl Breakroom