SLAC, Redtail Hawk Conference Room 108A
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Password: 609307
Speaker: Dr. Praveeen Kumar Maroju
Program Description
Over the years, several advancements in free-electron laser (FEL) technologies pushed FELs to be
ideal radiation sources with unprecedented intensities in extreme ultraviolet (XUV) to hard x-ray
spectral regimes with pulses as short as a few to few tens of femtoseconds1-4. However, the
generation of attosecond pulses remained elusive at the FEL facilities until recently 5,6. In this talk, I
will present the generatioon, characterization and shaping of the reproducible attosecond pulse
trains (APTs) at the seeded FEL FERMI. I will also discuss the unique capability of FEL FERMI to
generate multiple phase-locked harmonics (consecutive and/or non-consecutive) of a seed laser,
enabling the generation of tailored APTs with spectral selectivity to match specific experimental
1. Ackermann, W. et al. Nat. Photon. 1, 336 (2007)
2. Allaria, E. et al. Nat. Photon. 6, 699 (2012)
3. Emma, P. et al. Nat. Photon. 4, 641 (2010)
4. Marinelli, A. et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 151101 (2017)
5. Duris, J et al. Nat. Photon. 14, 30 (2020)
6. Maroju, P.K. et al. Nature 578, 386 (2020