Towards high-speed high-resolution X-ray ptychography

Wednesday, September 16, 2020 - 3:00pm

Virtual Photon Science Seminar

Speaker: Junjing Deng, ANL 

Program Description:

Ptychography has revolutionized coherent X-ray microscopy and has become a very powerful tool for non-destructive high-resolution imaging. In ptychography, “high speed” and “high resolution” are usually contradicting each other as high-speed scanning brings challenges in both instrument accuracy and coherence degree retainment in diffraction patterns. Our recent developments on the Velociprobe instrument, advanced metrology, and corresponding data processing methods allow the implementation of fast scanning to achieve more efficient high-resolution ptychography. The developed scanning scheme allows ptychography to be easily scaled to image large samples at millimeter and even centimeter-scale. As synchrotron facilities around the world, including the Advanced Photon Source (APS), are undergoing upgrades to provide significantly increased coherent flux, there is a growing interest in developing such a high-speed ptychography technique.



Towards high-speed high-resolution X-ray ptychography
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