Multidimensional spectroscopy and ultra-fast dynamics in nanoclusters

Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

SLAC, 901-108 Redtail Hawk Conference Rooms

Speaker: Frank Stienkemeier, University of Freiburg (Germany)

Program Description:
Multidimensional coherent spectroscopy, well known from liquid or solid samples, is a powerful tool and has gained much interest unravelling mechanisms for light harvesting and opto-electronics, because charge/energy transfer, structural changes and coherent/incoherent dynamics of system-bath interactions can be readily disentangled. In order to extend multidimensional spectroscopy to well-defined, isolated molecular structures, and to understand fundamental light-induced processes, we combined a multidimensional scheme with molecular beam targets. Rare gas clusters are employed to synthesize molecular complexes and nanostructures down to millikelvin temperatures. First results will be presented along with a comparison of different experimental techniques for short-time dynamics, their limitations and how one can extend methods even to XUV wavelength.

Multidimensional spectroscopy and ultra-fast dynamics  in nanoclusters
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