SLAC, 040-195 Sycamore Conference Room
Speaker: Kiyoshi Ueda, Tohoku University
Program Description:
SASE3 of European XFEL, the first high-repetition rate soft X-ray FEL, has just started operation for users. In a couple years, LCLS II will start high repetition-rate operation in the soft to tender X-ray regions. Having such high repetition XFELs, we can record all or most of ions produced from a single molecule consisting of two to ten atoms, in coincidence with electrons ejected from the same single molecule, in a momentum resolved manner. This technique is often called Reaction Microscope (REMI). Showing the first REMI results from European XFEL, we will discuss how to make a molecular movie at femtoseconds resolution, how to probe electronic dynamics in attoseconds time scale, and how to probe correlated motions between atoms and electrons in a molecule, using REMI and a wide range of photon energies, from XUV to ultrahard X-rays.