Speaker: Wenbing Yun, Sigray, Inc.
Program Description:
Though laboratory and synchrotron sources, especially x-ray free electron lasers, differ by many orders magnitude in brightness, there are substantial common interests and needs for their effective use in terms of developing optics, detector/spectrometers, and methodologies. While the former is motivated to bring some synchrotron capabilities to the individual laboratory, the latter is motivated to achieve ever better temporal and spatial resolution.
Sigray is developing innovations in laboratory x-ray technologies that will not only bring numerous synchrotron capabilities to individual labs, but also be very useful for synchrotron sources. In addition to innovations in laboratory sources with brightness gains up to 100X, Sigray innovations include X-ray mirror lenses, x-ray emission and absorption spectroscopy systems, and high efficiency wavelength dispersive spectrometers. I will present those innovative x-ray technologies and the current status of their development, and discuss their potential applications to high brightness synchrotron sources.