Widely Tunable Cavity-Enhanced Ultrafast Spectroscopy

Wednesday, May 9, 2018 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

Speaker:  Yuning Chen, Stony Brook

Program Description:

Ultrafast optical spectroscopy methods, such as transient absorption spectroscopy and 2D spectroscopy, are typically restricted to optically thick samples, such as solids and liquid solutions. We have developed a technique, Cavity-Enhanced Ultrafast Spectroscopy, to study dynamics in a molecular beam with femtosecond temporal resolution. By coupling frequency combs into optical cavities, we previously demonstrated ultrafast transient absorption measurements with a detection limit of ∆OD = 2×10-10 (10-9/ÖHz). [1] In this talk, I will present the recent progress towards a widely tunable version of this spectrometer. I will discuss the technical details of this spectrometer and its application to jet-cooled molecules and clusters.



Widely Tunable Cavity-Enhanced Ultrafast Spectroscopy
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