Double Blind Holography of Attosecond Pulses

Tuesday, May 16, 2017 - 11:00am to 12:00pm

Speaker:  Oren Pedatzur, Weizmann Institute

Program Description

One of the main challenges in attosecond science is the temporal characterization

of the XUV field. Current characterization methods are based on

nonlinear light matter interactions and are limited in terms of the minimal

required intensity, stability and waveform complexity. I will describe an experimental

demonstration of a conceptually new linear and all-optical pulse characterization

method, inspired by double blind holography. Holography is realized

by measuring the XUV spectra of two unknown attosecond signals and their

interference. Assuming a finite pulse duration constraint, we reconstruct the

missing spectral phases and characterize the unknown signals for both single

isolated pulses and pulse trains. This method can be readily extended

to any interference based measurement scheme, including polarization measurement,

two-sources and multi-orbital contributions, enabling the study of

complex electron dynamics.

Double Blind Holography of Attosecond Pulses
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