XUV/X-ray pulse duration measurement with temporal single-shot cross-correlation (and additional short update on the LCLS-2 pump-probe laser development)

Thursday, March 9, 2017 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

Speaker:  Franz Tavella, SLAC

Program Description

Temporal single-shot optical-XUV/X-ray cross-correlation has potential for a variety of applications, beyond measuring arrival time jitter at FELs. We have used this technique in transmission geometry to measure the pulse duration at XUV FELs and subsequently to study FEL machine parameter dependencies on pulse duration. Efforts to use this technique to characterize materials for X-ray pulse duration measurement are being pursued. Fast electron cascading processes are studied in thin film samples, on materials that are used for shot by shot characterization. Similar measurements on diamond have also been performed, which led to the first time resolved measurement of the graphitization process.

While improving the experimental setup for the transient single-shot cross-correlator, we have also steadily improved the probe laser parameters. Shorter pulse duration enhanced the resolution, pulse energy stability and a cleaner spatial beam profile results in easier to analyze data.  In conclusion, on this related subject, I will briefly discuss challenges and possible beam parameters for the LCLS-2 pump probe laser. We aim to trigger discussion and obtain input on expected laser performance from potential users.

XUV/X-ray pulse duration measurement with temporal single-shot cross-correlation (and additional short update on the LCLS-2 pump-probe laser development)
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