Successful Letters in Physical Review Letters: An Editor's Perspective

Wednesday, May 18, 2016 - 3:00pm

Speaker: Serena Dalena (Associate Editor, Physical Review Letters)

Program Description

Physical Review Letters publishes over 20,000 pages of scientific content per year while maintaining its presence as the premier physics journal. The purpose of this talk is to shed light into PRL editorial process and policy and address the many questions frequently raised by the thousands of active authors, referees and readers. How do the editors determine which papers to publish in PRL? What how-tos should you know as an author and a referee? Why should you submit your work to us? How are journals in general and PRL in particular reorienting amid increasing competition and other challenges? I plan to address these and related issues during my presentation and the subsequent discussion.

Successful Letters in Physical Review: An Editor's Perspective
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