Ultrafast hard x-ray studies of intra- and inter-molecular dynamics following photoexcitation of molecules in solution

Wednesday, September 23, 2015 - 3:00pm

Speaker: Tim Brandt van Driel (Technical University of Denmark)

Program Description

Hard x-ray pulses generated by XFELs have allowed time-resolved x-ray techniques to achieve a time-resolution capable of tracking molecular dynamics on the intrinsic time-scale of atomic motion.

This talk will present recent x-ray diffuse scattering results highlighting such photo-induced dynamics of a model transition-metal complex in solution (Figure 1). In combination with x-ray emission spectroscopy the electronic and structural degrees of freedom can be studied simultaneously and help disentangle complex concomitant molecular dynamics.

Along with these new sources a number of new challenges have been addressed and will be presented in the context of the presented data. This will highlight the continued development of the source, facility, techniques and analysis in order to pave the way towards future perspectives.

Ultrafast hard x-ray studies of intra- and inter-molecular dynamics following photoexcitation of molecules in solution
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