Attosecond VUV Coherent Control of Molecular Dynamics and Prospects of Using ELI-ALPS User Facility

Wednesday, February 5, 2014 - 3:00pm

Speaker: Ranitovic Predrag, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Following the advances of the ultrafast laser technology, table-top XUV sources have provided novel ways to achieve real-time manipulation of electron dynamics through the use of attosecond XUV light coupled with strong laser fields in the time-resolved manner. In my talk, I will give several examples of how these novel spectroscopy  tools have been used to coherently  control electron  and  nuclear  wavepacket  dynamics  in atoms  and  molecules,  and  I will  introduce  the Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) project. In particular, I will talk about the scientific roadmap of the attosecond ELI-ALPS user-oriented facility currently being built in Szeged (Hungary), and prospects for using the ELI-ALPS scientific infrastructure for the future laser-driven attosecond X-Ray time-resolved experiments.

Attosecond  VUV Coherent  Control of Molecular  Dynamics  and Prospects  of Using ELI-ALPS User Facility
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